Chapter 4:BIG DREAMS

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Yesterday was immensely odd,I don't understand why the sudden announcement of us moving to a different location makes me so worried and deeply concerned about Val.

All of a sudden..She's started dreaming about her Dad..It wasn't so in the past..but This big news of us moving has suddenly given her the urge to know everything about her father..I feel weird about it..I need to talk to Damien about the whole moving situation.I'm just not ready for it.

Hopefully he'll let it go.

London:Hey Aunt paloma..Yeah Val is asleep right now...Yes she's really mischievous..she reminds me of Mom sometimes.She's a really smart kid..she learns preety quickly..Her birthday is coming soon and she's gonna be six years old.How amazing is that.She grows up so fast..Oh.. someone's at the door I'll call you back Aunt Bye.

I went straight to the door and when I opened it..It was Val's ballet teacher.

London:Miss Luan you're this hour..I hope everything's ok..

Miss Luan:Yes..uh.. I just want to discuss something very important with you regarding Valora.

London:Oh..come in..

We both sat down and she spoke.

Miss Luan: Miss Delvon.. Your daughter is exceptionally in.. she's such an amazing ballet dancer..I mean she really has the potential to win the competition.

London:Oh thank you.. That's great to hear.

Miss Luan:But there is one disturbing problem.

London:What is it?..

Miss Luan:I noticed today during practice that there was pain behind her dance like she was emotionally hurt or something..

I thought deeply to myself..and I think knew why.

Miss Luan: I've never seen her that upset before..but she still danced incredibly well.. I've been a ballet teacher for 10 years and I know the emotions attached to dancing..Miss Delvon..Is your daughter missing someone?.. Someone close to her maybe?.

I stared at the ballet teacher silently not sure of how to reply.

She waited patiently for my answer but we were shortly interrupted by Damien.

Damien:Oh..Hello there.. You're Valora's ballet teacher right?..

Miss Luan:Yes I am..And you must be Mr Damien Cortez.. it's a pleasure to finally meet you.. I'm really enjoying your products from your company.. They're top notch.

Damien:We try our best.Thanks.

I was actually glad that Damien interrupted the conversation..And I can finally escape.

I stood up and went to the kitchen pretending to help the chef to avoid the situation.

Miss Luan:Oh she left..

Damien:Were you both discussing something important?..Is it Val?..

Miss Luan: It's need to worry.. I'll be leaving now.. it's already getting too dark..

Damien:Ok take care.

Miss Luan:Thank you.

Damien came into the kitchen and told the chef to give us some privacy.I ordered the chef not to leave and he was in a state of confusion on who to obey..

Damien then came extremely close to me that the chef felt embarrassed and eventually left and I pushed Damien away.

London:What do you think you're doing?..

Damien:Relax..I just wanted him to leave. unnecessary.

Damien:What's going on with Val?..Is it necessary to share details with another person outside our family.

London: Damien.. Val is your niece..Stop acting like her father.. You're not her Dad!.

Damien looked away feeling a bit annoyed with what I said.

Damien:But that doesn't change the fact that she's my blood.. she's my brother's daughter so I obviously care for her well-being too.

London: Like I told you before..I can do this alone if I wanted to.

Damien: Don't forget that I was the one who helped you leave Mace in the first place and also helped you with Val too.

I stayed quiet knowing he was right.

Damien:*Sighs*..El.. it's pointless arguing..I just got a bit worried about know we're both celebrities..You were once a model and now a business tycoon and I'm a business tycoon as well..we need to keep our lives private.. because if the news of you being the mother of Val spreads then everyone will bash you for seperating her from her father or they might even say you cheated on Mace with me.Just imagine how bad that would be for you and for Val.Think about it El.

I thought about what he said and he was right.

London:Yeah.. You're right..but I'm not a careless mother Damien..that I would just tell everyone my sob story.You should know I'm not dumb..Her safety is my number one priority.

Damien looked down and nodded while smiling weakly in shame.


London:I care about my daughter's safety.. I won't just put her in a situation like that..That she would be vulnerable to all kinds of criticism.. I will not allow it now or ever..and I'll make sure that Mace never ever knows about it..else he's gonna try to come back to me..and I don't want that..I have bigger dreams and aspirations..and one is making sure Val wins that contest.

Damien smiled at me feeling proud and I felt proud of myself for my decision.

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