Chapter 9: DESTINY PART 2

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I woke up feeling incredibly anxious knowing that this was the day that we were going to fly to Mexico for our partnership..

I felt incredibly uneasy..

I had this feeling that I might encounter him..I don't know how it's going to play off today but I hope for the best.

Val rushed to me with a wide smile on her face and I knew the reason.

Val:Woww! We're travelling for the first time to a different place Mom.. aren't you excited!..

Her joy made me feel guilty..How I'm I suppose to answer that question..I felt undeniably anxious about the whole thing..And I didn't want to lie to her anymore so I just nodded.

Val: Finally we're gonna be in a different place..see and meet different people and do other stuff.. I'm so excited!.. too.

Val noticed that I wasn't excited like I said I was..and she slowly came closer to me and asked me what was the problem.

Seeing her sparkly green eyes filled with innocence made me melt but I decided to change the topic.

London:Honey.. Let's start packing..we have a long list of things to do..we can't slack ok..Now follow me.

Val nodded and followed me to pack along with the servants.

A few moments later,After packing Damien came back from his meeting to take us to the airport with him..we bid goodbye to the servants and we were off to Mexico.

Throughout the entire flight,Valora was in her own world smiling from ear to ear while looking out the window.. she's never traveled before so it was a new exciting thing to her.. she's always been indoors with me and Damien in a country that isn't hers..or mine..or Damien's.She belongs in Mexico and so do I.

I felt my heart in my throat as we landed in Mexico and once we got out of the plane..All my memories came rushing back..It all came back to me..every single one.

I was standing still just staring at nothing thinking about my past and I could feel the tears slowly build up in my eyes..

Damien turned to me and saw how shocked and vulnerable I looked..he slowly came to me and held my hand and I regained my senses and turned to him with tears in my eyes.

He assured me that everything was going to be alright and I wiped my tears and removed my hand from his and walked towards Valora.

I could feel the hurt look on his face but I didn't really bother.Our friendship wasn't as deep as it once was before.

Valora was ever so excited as we walked to a Lamborghini parked for us.

I decided to relax my mind with a little music by putting on my air pods and I was lost in the music..but then something caught my eye.

I saw Britney with her daughter along with Terrence in another car..and it was so surprising that I didn't realize that my phone had died and the music had stopped playing.

Valora noticed that I was staring at their car and decided to look as well then she gently tapped me on my shoulder and asked me who I was looking at.

I turned to her swiftly. one.. it's just..they have a really nice looking car.. I was just looking at it.


That was close.

We reached a hotel shortly after and Damien booked two rooms..One for me and Val and the other for him.

I was in my room helping Val in the shower and decided to turn on the TV to the news channel and what I saw left me speechless.

It was a headline about Mace and he was with a woman..

The headline stated that her name was Cassandra Lopez but nothing else was stated.

I stared at the television in shock realizing and remembering that I had told him to move on.

I darted my eyes around while looking down trying to hold back my tears and I took another look at the both of them and I stared at him in awe seeing how handsome he was.. in fact he looked even more handsome and I was happy for him.

He finally moved on..

Val was calling me from the bathroom and I rushed to her to help her out with a towel and before she could carefully look at Mace I changed the channel to a cartoon and luckily she was distracted.

I smiled seeing her laugh while watching the cartoon but I couldn't help but feel sad and defeated..It was a horrible feeling.

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