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I was in bed while Valora was by my side fast asleep.I thought about her encounter with Mace today and for some reason it reminded me of the times that I would usually bump into him.

I smiled at the memories while tears flushed down my cheeks..It was a beautiful memory.I adjusted myself to go to sleep when Damien came in..

I immediately opened my eyes and sat up straight and he had a concerned look on his face that made me curious.

He sat beside me and stared into my eyes before speaking.

Damien:El..I..I didn't expect us to see Mace today.. especially Valora.We were both hoping that she wouldn't meet him at all but I guess fate decides what it wants.

I looked at him feeling worried.

London: Well we just have to keep her away from him.I'm gonna hire a Nanny to take care of Valora.

Damien:Why not take her to your aunt?.

London: Damien it's too risky?..What if someone I know sees her with aunt..From there they'll know I'm her mother and they'll start questioning who the father is.

Damien:I guess you're right.And the real problem is.. we're gonna have to meet Mace someday..

My heart pounded hard in my chest.

Damien: Just for business..El what's wrong you got all flustered..

Damien caressed my hair trying to calm me down and I held his hand.

London: I'm ok Damien.. There's no need to worry.. I'll be fine.

Damien stared into my eyes before leaning in..and he kissed me.

At that moment I couldn't react I just let it happen.

Damien:El..I just want you to know that I'll always love you no matter what you think of me and I'll always be here for you ok.

I thought deeply for a moment before making an impulsive decision.

London: Damien let's get engaged.

Damien stared at me in shock before smiling.

I smiled back at him before he hugged me tight.

Damien:Thank you You've made me the happiest man in the world.

I placed my arms on his back reciprocating the hug.I knew why I was doing this..since Mace has moved on so can I.

(The next day..

After dropping Valora off at school I walked hand in hand with Damien into the De la Cruz company and immediately I stepped in I was left speechless.

I saw Jenila and Garry from the distance and they looked so happy as they held hands talking to the other employees.

They both looked amazing and mature.. especially Jennie.She started to dress more classy and she had cut her hair short to match the look..I felt embarrassed standing there and Damien noticed it on my face and he kissed my cheek and told me that everything was going to be ok.

I smiled at him and regained my composure.

We walked past them and luckily they didn't notice us because our bodyguards stood by us as we walked.

As we got upstairs,I noticed my former office and I told Damien to wait for me while I take a good look at it.

I subtly touched the door handle before opening the door and everything was still the way it was..I looked around the office and then touched the seat I used to sit in.Damien smiled at me seeing how happy I felt reconnecting with my former office.

After a few seconds,A man called Damien's name from across the room and I recognized the voice.

My heart paused knowing who it was and I immediately came back to my senses.

Mace approached Damien and was extremely happy to see him.

Mace: It's been so long..I didn't expect that we would work together again I guess fate decides what it wants.

I slowly came out of the office and stared at Mace.

His eyes widened as he saw me and he blinked for a couple of times trying to convince himself that he's not dreaming.

I looked to his side and saw the same woman I saw on tv.. Cassandra Lopez..

I lowered my gaze trying to hold in my tears..Mace was still in utter shock that I was standing right in front of him after all these years.

Luckily Cassandra broke the silence.

Cassandra:Hi there,Nice to meet you I'm Cassandra Lopez.. Mace's fiancee.

Hearing her say that shocked me for a moment but then I got rid of the thought and introduced myself to her.

London:Hi.. I'm London.. London Delvon.

Cassandra: That's such a unique name and I must say you are stunning.

London:Thank you.

Cassandra greeted Damien and he greeted her back and it was just me and Mace left to exchange pleasantries and he just stared at me with a smile on his face and I tried to hide the fact that I was blushing and my heart was pounding so hard and loud I could literally hear it.

Cassandra used her elbow to slightly hit Mace to introduce himself to me and he did smoothly.

Mace: I'm Mauricio De la Cruz..Or as you know Mace De la Cruz..

I looked at him not knowing what to say and I just said "Nice to meet you".

He extended his hand to shake mine and as I held his hand I felt shockwaves through my entire electric shock of emotions and passion and I hadn't felt it in years that it was all new to me once again.

He continued holding my hand and Damien cleared his throat and I immediately removed my hand from Mace's.

Damien:Mace although it's been five plus years you haven't really changed..

Mace:(Chuckles)..Well I can say the same about you..You two haven't gotten married..

I stared at Mace remembering that a few years ago I told him that I was gonna be with Damien and suprisingly he still remembered.

Damien: We're about that.

Mace looked a bit annoyed with what Damien said and he looked at me.

I stared back at him and he broke eye contact and congratulated us.

Mace: That's nice to hear..And my fiancee here is probably still confused as to what is going on.Cassandra.. Mami..I mean London used to work here..she was my head secretary.

Cassandra: Seriously..wait.. I think I've seen you before..Oh you are that model that won the pageant at age 16.I'm a big fan.

London:Thank you.

Cassandra:I was wondering why you're so beautiful you were a model and that explains it.

Mace stared at me in awe and his intense gaze made my heart melt.

Damien noticed the passionate tension between us and he stared at me in worry.

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