Chapter 8:DESTINY PART 1

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Today was the day of Val's ballet competition and I was excited for how it would turn out.

I got Valora ready for the competition backstage and wished her all the best before going to take my seat.

It was time for the performances and every competitor gave it their all in their dance but I knew that they were no match for my Val.

Soon it was Val's turn and she went up the stage.She looked a bit nervous but she flashed me a big smile and I blew her a kiss.It was time for her performance and once she started..It was like a storm followed by a hurricane..she danced so magnificently she reminded me of when I danced in the past it was amazing but scary at the same time.I was in awe of the way she moved and twirled it wasn't like anything I had ever seen before..The song stopped abruptly and the audience arose from their seats and gave Val a standing ovation.

I was still shocked by how she danced but then I realized myself and clapped along with everyone.

A few moments later,The results were announced and Val was first place.I was so happy I screamed all the way from my seat and I ran to hug Val on stage.

The judge then told Val to give a speech and she nodded.

Val:I just wanna Thank God..for Mom and Damien for helping me put in my all for this competition..I really didn't think that I would win..but I did and I'm happy.

Val smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

Val: There's one thing that would have made me even happier though..My Dad.

I felt my heart drop.Val had tears in her eyes and she wiped them off trying to conceal her emotions.

Val:If he was here..Then I would have taken over the stage even more than I did..but unfortunately he's not.

Val lowered her gaze trying to hide her tears and I hugged her instantly to make her feel better.

The judge handed the trophy to Val and whispered to her that her Dad would be proud of her and I couldn't help but smile.

Later,I was talking to Val when the judge from earlier came up to me and asked whether I can speak to her in private.

I nodded nervously.

Judge:Miss Delvon..Val is an exceptional ballet dancer.

London:Thank you.She does her best.

Judge: You're keeping her away from her Dad.Mr De la Cruz.

I stared at her in shock.

Judge:Miss Delvon I knew about your relationship with him..and I heard rumors that you two split..and I didn't believe it at first but now I do..And the crazy thing is Val hasn't even seen him before and it isn't fair to her.

I tried to control my emotions but I lashed out on the judge.

London:Who are you to tell me about my daughter's well-being.It's a mother-daughter shouldn't interfere.

She felt embarrassed by my words and I walked away.

Later, during midnight I had a dream that I was in the De la Cruz company and everything that happened in the past was repeating itself.It was an uncomfortable moment for me.I woke up instantly and saw that Damien was staring at me.

London:What are you doing in my room at this time Damien?.

Damien:Uh..I couldn't sleep so I thought that I should come here and maybe keep you company.

London:Thank you but your company is not needed. I'm ok staying alone.

I turned to my right away from him and he dropped a bombshell on me.

Damien:Now that Val's competition is over..Our moving date has been changed.It's gonna happen tomorrow.


I turned to face him and was in complete shock from what he said.

London: Tomorrow?..Why so early?..Why so soon?.I thought it was in a week.

Damien:The earlier the better El.No need to complain it's been finalized.

I stared at Damien in anger and disappointment not liking the change of it all.

I stormed out of my room to process it all.

Tomorrow?..God!..I just hope nothing happens..Like Mace bumping into me.It would be absolutely horrific and I'm sure my destiny wouldn't let that happen.

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