Chapter 14:THE SET UP PT 1

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I stepped away from Mace slowly staring at him in shock from what just happened between us and he stared back at me knowing in his heart that it felt right.

London:Mace this is wrong..we can't do have a fiancee..

Mace walked up to me holding my arms with his.

Mace: Mami..I don't should obviously know that I don't love Cassandra.. I only found her because you told me to.. can't you understand.. I waited for you to come back to me..and now that we've finally met each other I want you back!.

I was overwhelmed with emotions and refused to give him eye contact.

Mace: London you can't ignore your feelings for me.. I know you love me and not please Mami just give us a chance...


I snapped and slapped Mace hard across the face causing silence.

London: Enough!I don't care about your feelings..they can go to hell for all I care! Can't you see that I'm finally peaceful without you..if you really want to see me happy just leave me the hell alone!You mean nothing to me.. absolutely nothing!..You no longer have a place in my heart Mace..That place was destroyed to oblivion a long time ago..You are no one to me..and I can never ever love someone like you!.

Mace stared at me in shock and I could tell from his expression that I broke his heart this time in the worst way possible.

He didn't say a word and just turned around and left.. he suddenly paused abruptly as my bracelet got hooked to his watch..and with all anger he released the watch making the bracelet shatter into pieces which injured my hand..

He walked away shortly.

My heart pounded hard..Soon after it started to rain heavily and I was drenched in the rain but I didn't care.

I stared off into space shocked by what I had done.My hand bled even more as the rain water poured on it and it felt like my heart was bleeding..I was heartbroken.

I slowly turned around and walked away not giving a thought to what I did.

Walking in the hallways of the office,felt like eternity.. everything slowed down and the atmosphere was hazy and indistinct..I felt really befuddled as I walked and just as I was about to faint Damien caught me just in time. did you get hurt what happened?..Are you ok?..

London: Damien take me home..I need to be away from here..

Damien saw how exhausted I was and he carried me in his arms without hesitation and took me to the we reached outside jenila noticed and asked what was wrong but Damien ignored her and soon after he drove away.

Jenila had a feeling that something might have happened between Mace and I and decided to meet him.

She met him speaking to Cassandra and she requested to talk to him in private.

Cassandra nodded and left.

Jenila: Mace.. London was unconscious..what happened to her..she was ok sometime ago.

Mace got a bit worried about me but chose to hide it.

Mace:I don't know..she has my brother to take care of her.. she'll be ok.

Jenila noticed Mace's dismissive behavior and could tell that he knew more than what he said.

Jenila placed her hand on mace's shoulder.

Jenila:Boss come on.. I know you know..You can't bear to see her in such a state and it's obvious that you know what happened.

Mace: Jenila please.. don't link whatever happens with London to me..our phase ended a long time ago.. we've both moved on..and that's that.

Jenila could tell that Mace was hurt by something but before she could say anything he walked away leaving her in a state of despair.

Jenila:No..I can't let London and Mace further drift away from each other.. I'll do everything in my power to reunite them..and I have a plan for that..a plan that not even Damien nor Cassandra can oppose.. I'll set them up to bring them closer to each other and I'll leave the rest to the heavens.

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