Kuro's new companion

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Kuro is in a tournament still wearing his mask


Kuro shreds through a ton of beys all at once

Kuro: Tch seriously you want to compete in battle bladers with your level of strength pathetic he finishes them off

Then he's in the finals off the tournament

Dj: Here! Is the masked blader who has tamed the mighty tiger, he tore his way to the finals exerting no effort at all let's see what this battle I'll bring

Blader: Don't think you'll beat me as easily as you did them I'm going to win battle blader

Kuro: whatever helps you sleep at night


The bey clash in the middle of the arena

Kuro: Pathetic

Blader: huh!

Kuro: but tell you what I'll show you something neat before I take you down

Blader: don't get cocky


The bey goes absolutely flying

Dj: it's all over folks The winner is the masked blader!


Kuro nods and walks away

As he walks away claw marks where made around the surrounding area

Kuro: If I lose too these wannabes I don't have a chance at beating my brother

Kuro just keeps walking

He's then seen walking through a forest where he's suddenly surrounded by the bladers he beat in the tournament

Kuro: alright guys what do you want

Blader 1: we all think you cheated!

Blader 2: so that's why we are going to work together to take you down

Blader 3: and knock that stupid mask of your face

Blader from the finals: so prepare yourself

Kuro: Tch didn't I already call you guys pathetic but if you really want to give me your points then sure I'll be happy to take them off your hands


There's a huge explosion and Kuro is seen once again walking away in victory

Kuro sighs: some people just never know when it quit it's such a pain in the arse

Kuro walks deep into the forest

Kuro: 44500 points not bad for a days work

He takes a mask off and sets up a camping area near a small waterfall with a rock pool

Kuro sniffs himself: Hmm I could definitely use a wash

He takes his clothes off and relaxes in the pool making sure everything he doesn't want to lose is close

Kuro relaxes and just lets the water soothe his muscles

He suddenly senses someone walking close to him

?: wait I know that mask they where in the survival battle

Kuro: I can hear you so may as well come out

Someone comes out of the forest and it's revealed to be Hikaru of all people

Kuro: Oh hey Hikaru right you where there at the survival battle and the colosseum

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