Tsubasa vs Chi-Yun

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Kuro is sitting around eating his sandwich after his match

Hikaru wraps her arm around his neck

Hikaru: that was freaking epic Kuro

Kuro: Heh thanks it was unbelievably close but it was a total blast

They sees Gingka and Masamune arguing Gingka calling Masmaune mr chow hound and they start playing tug of war with a sandwich

Hikaru: So you know Chi-Yun right?

Kuro: Yeah I do

Hikaru: Can tsubasa beat him?

Kuro: Hmm that's a good question, tsubasa is stronger than chi-yun but as the guy said the winner in the end is who as the greater desire to win

Hikaru: Well guess we'll just have to watch and see


China Dj: Time to get it on! So get ready!

They all quickly run out to the arena

China Dj: Ok! This is the third round of the A block and the world championships First arrive is our wang hu zhongs own Chi-Yun

Next his opponent from Japan team Gan Gan galaxy's tsubasa!

The crowd boo him but he couldn't care less

Madoka: You can do it tsubasa!

Gingka: Give it all you've got out there!

Kuro: He's right you got this!

Masamune: Yeah if you win it's over! Who wants to watch Hikaru and Ginkga battle anyway!

Hikaru: I want to battle but If you win I'll forgive you!

Yu: Just don't lose the match ok!

Chi-yun smirking: What happened to Kyoya anyways

Tsubasa: What!?

Chi-yun: In Japan you where defeated by Kyoya so why is it that you're battling me as japans representative?, I don't get it!

Tsubasa: Are you disappointed you have me as an opponent?

Chi-yun: Not really, it's just,,

Tsubasa: It's just what?

Chi-yun: if you don't fight harder than you did in your battle with Kyoya, you can't win against me

They stare each other down

They ready their beys

China Dj: So will team Gan Gan Galaxy decide the entire battle with three wins in a row or will wang hu zhong pull this thing out of the fire, let's find out





Lacerta and Eagle clash in the middle of the stadium and then eagle starts zooming around the stadium and Lacerta stays in the centre

Using solid iron wall

Kuro: (Chi-yun is a smart blader this isn't going to be easy)

Eagle keeps attacking and it keeps reflecting Eagle's attack and because of the solid iron wall technique the one that's using up all its energy is Eagle

Hikaru: (Come on Tsubasa)

Chi-yun: Hey what's the problem attack some more!

Tsubasa: be careful what you wish for!, if you won't move, Then I'll just have to move you won't I, eagle go!

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