The Eagle and the Dragon

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Blader Dj: The battle bladers second round is just about done, ladies and gentlemen let's have a look at the bladers that have moved on too the semi final rounds so far

First up we have Kyoya!

Next is the masked blader!

And finally we have Gingka!

The question is who will be the last to join the top four!

Will it be the wild eagle whose stadium is the sky!



Will it be the blader who demolishes anything and everything that stands in his way the dragon emperor of destruction Ryuga!

So don't go anywhere beyfans because this battle is about to start

Kuro is in Hikaru's room again

Kuro: Ugh why do keep coming back here after everything that happens, maybe Madoka is right,

Kuro just looks at Hikaru sleeping

Kuro: (You know I never would've thought I'd care about anyone this much but I guess things change, I'll make sure you know when you wake up)

Kuro gets up to walk out

Kuro: Ryuga and Tsubasa are gonna battle soon, I'll be back so don't worry just make sure to wake up soon ok, I miss you

Kuro closes the door and walks out

Blader Dj: is everyone ready to get down for the fourth and final match of the second round! 'The crowd cheer' Awesome! Because here comes the bladers!

Kuro: (can tsubasa win this? Because I'm not sure)

Blader Dj: Here he is the the guy! With the eye of the Eagle tsubasa!

Ok folks! Ryuga has come A calling!

Ryuga walks out having his usual psychotic and evil aura

Kuro: (Ryu you've changed so much, I want too see you final genuinely again)



Ryuga and Tsubasa's beys clash

Ryuga immediately pushes him back

Eagle then evades the power struggle

L drago rushes at eagle going right to block eagle but then eagle dodges

Soon the next attack comes but Eagle dodges again

Eagle just keeps running and dodging over and over again

Kuro: (that's right, just keep going, just keep running, wait for it and then strike when the time is right)

The crowd shout at him too actually battle

Kyoya: Don't listen, L drago is not an opponent you can win against by going straight up you must trust yourself and not what others say, you must continue to believe in yourself and hit him head on when you decide the time is right)

Ryuga: Heh so that's your plan trying to be clever see we

L drago then goes to the centre of the arena and starts bursting with power

Eagle rakes flight to dodge L drago's attack

Tsubasa tells Ryuga to bring it on and Ryuga obliges

Ryuga: True this on for size! Hahaha

Dark move!

Tsubasa: Alright Eagle!

Dragon Emperor soaring bite strike!

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