The Tiger's story

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Kuro and Hikaru travel around together training their butts off

Kuro is leaning up against a tree out of breath

Hikaru is lying in the ground next to him also out of breath

Kuro: You're already better Hikaru gotta say you can definitely push me a lot harder than you did the previous times

Hikaru: yeah but I still lost everything single time

Kuro: yeah well I'm just stronger than you but if you get used too facing me then think about how the average blader would be against you

Hikaru: hmm fair enough, so where's the next tournament

Kuro: It's in a city nearby supposedly it's worth 1500 points also the second place wins 1000 points

Hikaru: sounds good to me you'd get 3000 points shy of the 50,000 right

Kuro: yeah how many points are you at right now

Hikaru: hmm 'she takes out her point thing' looks like 21,500 points

Kuro looking slightly disappointed: really

Hikaru grumbles: Hey! It's not like I've been collecting points for as long as you have

Kuro: fair enough we better head off then

Hikaru: true

They walk down the road

Kuro: so how'd you get into beyblade

Hikaru: I just started off enjoying it but then something happened well a lot of things happened

Kuro: No need to sugar coat I've got a sad backstory too

Hikaru: Alright sure, when I was younger I loved beyblade but when I was I was beaten and ridiculed I don't know how many times it happened

Kuro keeps his stoic face: ugh I hate people like that picking on people weaker than you is one of the scummiest things people can do

Hikaru: yeah you got that right and basically I of course got really upset about this but then my mother who was ill at the time comforted me and told me to persist and so I did and that's why I'm aiming for number 1

Kuro: Yeah fighting for family looks like we are the same in that regard

Hikaru: what are you taking about?

Kuro: alright you know Ryuga right?

Hikaru: uhh yeah that psycho who works with the dark nebula

Kuro: yeah we he's my brother well half brother to be specific

Hikaru: uhh what the hell? Wait do you work for the dark nebula

Kuro looks at her like she's an idiot

Hikaru: ok yeah you don't seem like the type

Kuro: yeah Thought so

Hikaru: so I told you my tragic backstory let's hear yours

Kuro: alright fine,


Kuro is walking through a small village that looks to be in the mountains somewhere when some guys appear

Guy: oh hey if it isn't one of the freaks didn't we teach you enoguh of a lesson last time

Kuro just looks at them, rolls his eyes and keeps walking

Kuro (V,O): essentially I wasn't very popular

Guy 2: Hey! Don't ignore us!

He throws a punch with Kuro dodges and then just keeps walking

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