The first battle

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Masamune and Chao Xin: LET IT RIP!

Masamune: Come on! Striker go!

Striker goes unbelievably fast

China Dj: Striker really hustles here showing off an incredible pace to start, it's almost like it's moving faster than the speed of light

Kuro: (Incredible, Ok Masamune let's see what you've got)

Masamune: I focused my powers so I could form one single strike of lightning

Chao xin: I see your still annoying

Masamune: Can it! If you think you can dodge then then you're wrong!

Chao xin: I don't need to dodge anything

Masmaune: what do you mean, You know what to do striker!

They beys clash but unbelievably striker is sent flying

Masamune: You kidding!

China Dj: Striker is actually the one sent flying!

Chao xin laughs: Charging head on into my poison Virgo not a particularly bright move, poison Virgo doesn't like when you get in it's face

Masamune: poison Virgo

Kuro looks: It's the fusion wheel

Masamune: What!? Yeah it's different from the last one

Tsubasa: He's customised it even more than before

Hikaru: This could be a problem poison beys are tricky

Chao xin: When making a live appearance on stage, you just can't show up in causal wear dude, with all those fans checking you out

Masmaune: Oh give me a break, you can't jist win by dressing cool you know

Chao xin: Says who? Anyway my Virgo isn't just about looks, it's got the charm too like it'll slash apart anything that it sees as my enemy

Masamune: Yeah well I don't care who I battle I'll still send them flying! Go striker!

Tsubasa: Stop it! Don't go charging in like that!

Chao xin: Fierce lady flash!

Dodged strikers attack

Masamune: No way!

Chao xin: One hundred hit fearsome splender!

Virgo strikes him over and over again

Masmaune: Striker watch it!

Chao xin laughs: Go on keep yelling like that's gonna help

Masamune: I'm never giving up

The two boys keep on clashing but striker is still back into a corner and every time it lands an attacks it doesn't seem to do anything

Masmaune: What's going on why aren't any of my attacks working at all

Chao xin laughs: So uncool! What are you getting so worked up about little man?

Masamune: What's wrong with getting worked up?

Chao xin: it just doesn't look cool

Masamune: Shut up! The way you look has nothing to do with the battle, Show me striker!

Chao xin: Ok now you're embarrassing yourself

Striker is sent back again

Masmaune: Tch this can't be happening

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