The ultimate Cat clash

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The tournament is over

Kuro and Kyoya are walking quickly and are then at an arena

Kyoya: So you really wanna do this I just beat you

Kuro: oh believe me I do plus I've got the stakes set right

Kyoya: Yup 500 points

Kuro: perfect

Hikaru is sitting ready to watch this awesome battle

Kuro: Anyway enough chit chat

Kyoya: You've got that right!

Hikaru: Three!

Kyoya: Two!

Kuro: One!


As Kuro and Kyoya launched their beys into the arena, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. The stadium lights gleamed off the spinning tops, casting dynamic shadows across the battlefield.

With a swift motion, both, Tigris and Leone, burst into action. The two beys clashed in the center of the arena, sending sparks flying as they jostled for dominance.

Kuro narrowed his eyes, his focus unwavering as he watched Kyoya's every move. He knew Kyoya was a formidable opponent, but he was determined to give it his all. Tigris darted around the arena, dodging Leone's attacks with precision.

Kyoya's expression was fierce, his eyes locked on his spinning bey as he commanded it with expert precision.

Kyoya: Leone! Take him down!

Leone roared as it unleashed a barrage of powerful attacks, aiming to overpower Tigris with sheer force.

Kuro: Not so fast!

But Kuro wasn't about to back down. With a swift command, Tigris countered each of Leone's assaults, displaying Kuro's strategic prowess.

As the battle raged on, both bladers pushed their beys to the limit,

Kyoya: Special move! Lion gale force wall!

Leone whips up a tornado that sends Tigris flying into the air

Kyoya: Sorry Kuro this battle is mine!


Tigris flies down the eye of the storm and crashes into Leone

The clash of special moves sent shockwaves rippling through the arena, shaking the very foundation of the stadium. Hikaru gasped in awe at the sheer power on display, her eyes glued to the unfolding spectacle.

Hikaru: heh awesome

Despite the ferocity of the battle, Kuro remained calm and focused. With each maneuver, he analyzed Kyoya's tactics, searching for any weaknesses he could exploit. He knew that victory wouldnot be easy but he would not lose

Kyoya, too, showed no signs of backing down. His determination burned bright as he continued to push Leone to its limits, refusing to yield an inch to his opponent.

Suddenly both their beys separated

Kuro and Kyoya stood locked in concentration, their eyes fixed on their spinning beys as they stoood in the arena

Kuro: Tigris!

Kyoya: Leone!

The two beys charged once again

As Tigris and Leone exchanged blow after blow, the crowd watched in awe, captivated by the sheer ferocity of the contest. Every move was calculated, every strike filled with determination as Kuro and Kyoya fought with everything they had.

The clash of their beys echoed through the stadium, a symphony of metal and energy that resonated with the hearts of all who watched. In that moment, there was only the battle, the bladers, and the unwavering spirit of competition that drove them forward.

As the intensity of their clash reached its peak, Kuro and Kyoya poured their souls into their beys, each determined to emerge victorious. And as they cried out the names of their beys once more, the final clash began, signaling the culmination of their epic showdown.

Kyoya: Now leone! King lion furious blast shot!

Leone surrounded in a might tornado charges right at Tigris to end this battle

Kuro: It's not over! RISING SUN SLASH!

Tigris jumps right up surrounded in the usual sunlike aura

The two bladers roared in unison as they unleashed their final, devastating attacks. Tigris and Leone collided with incredible force, sending shockwaves rippling through the arena. Hikaru held their breath, the tension in the air palpable as the outcome of the battle hung in the balance.

For a moment, it seemed as though time itself had frozen as Tigris and Leone locked horns in a fierce struggle for dominance. The stadium was filled with the sound of clashing metal and the crackling of energy as the two beys fought with all their might.

Then, with a blinding flash of light, Tigris and Leone unleashed their ultimate power, sending waves of energy rippling across the arena. The force of their clash was so intense that it seemed to shake the very foundation of the stadium.

As the dust settled, Kuro and Kyoya stood facing each other, their beys spinning slowly beside them. The arena was silent, anticipation hanging in the air as everyone waited to see who would emerge victorious from the epic battle.


As the clash reached its climax, Kuro's Tigris began to overpower Kyoya's Leone with a final surge of strength.

Kyoya: What! Leone don't you dare give up!

The two blader roared one last time and then a huge explosion occurred

Then Leone flew out of the explosion and landed in front of Kyoya

Kyoya: Hahaha! That was awesome Kuro!

Kuro let's out a small chuckle: it truly was Kyoya I don't think I've ever been pushed that much

Kyoya: Well you've earned it

Kuro's points


Kuro: And that's battle bladers!

Breathing heavily, Kuro stepped forward to offer his hand to Kyoya, a gesture of sportsmanship and camaraderie. Kyoya accepted the gesture, clasping Kuro's hand firmly as a sign of mutual respect.

Kyoya: See you at battle bladers!

Kuro: Absolutely!

Hikaru: Hey don't you two forget about me! I'm on my way too!

Kyoya and Kuro nod at her

Kuro: we know


Kyoya: See you guys at the top thanks for the incredible battle

Kuro: Anytime remember we are at a 1-1 so we've gotta battle again

Kyoya: I'll be waiting

Kyoya leaves

Hikaru: you know I don't think I've ever seen you smile like that

Kuro: yeah I suppose I had fun, first time in a while that's happened

Hikaru chuckles: well now it's my turn

Kuro nods: let's get too work

And that's a wrap

Sorry this is shorter then usual but I thought the battle was awesome

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