The Lion vs the Bull

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Blader Dj: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to battle Bladers!, today we will be entering the exciting second round with the top 8 bladers remaining who will be the last bey spinning, we won't know until we launch some bey so let's uh

They then see the rounds changing around

Blader: the tournament chart is, What is going on here!

It's completely changed

It's now
Kyoya vs Benkei

Tsubasa vs Ryuga

Kuro vs Ryutaro

Gingka vs Reji

Kyoya: This is wrong!

Kuro: What the hell is this?

Benkei: Stay calm everyone we'll be just fine, Wow! I'm battling Kyoya

Tsubasa: while I am against Ryuga

Kuro: they really are determined to take us down

Doji: I know this is sudden but there's been a slight change in plans vs slight

Gingka: I knew it!

Kuro: Of course it was you

Kyoya: Doji this an outrage! You can't do this!

Doji: just watch me I am the master of ceremonies for battle bladers, I have complete authority to decide who battles whom and if they battle at all

Kyoya: This is a joke!

Doji: if you do not follow my decision you will be immediately disqualified

They all gasp

Kuro: tch

Doji: I certainly hope there aren't any bladers here who are scared off just because they can't handle a change before a match 

Kyoya: Fear has nothing to do with it

Kuro: He's right!

Gingka: That's it we have to go along with this if we wanna settle the score

Kuro: Yeah he's right Ryuga is going down we'll move forward no matter what

Gingka: I'll accept this Doji!

Kuro: but don't you dare expect us to lose! Because we will not stop!

Doji: Haha that's the spirit I'm looking forward too seeing some heated battles

Gingka: Doji! You can count on that!

A little later

Kuro: Well looks like you get your battle with Reji Avenge Hyoma for us make that snake crawl but under its rock

Gingka: Yeah! You got it and then you better take down Ryutaro then it's you and me

Kuro: you've got it

Benkei: can I do this? Can I really battle Kyoya!?

Tsubasa to Kyoya: looks like our positions have switched looks like my opponent is Ryuga don't do anything to get in the way got it

Kyoya: Grr Benkei!

Benkei stands to attention: huh? here! 

Kyoya: you and I are up first buddy get ready!

Benkei confused: Okey dokie


Kuro is in Hikaru's hospital room again

Kuro: Well things got changed around a bit 'he smiles a little' but I'm gonna win after all I'm not gonna let him get away with this anymore I tear that dark power to pieces you can count on that, let's do this Tigris

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