The darkness returns

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Kuro grabs Hikaru as she falls too the ground

Kuro: Hikaru!

Hikaru looks up and smiles a little: sorry, I couldn't win

Kuro shakes his head: it's all good, you got a draw which means we sstill have a shot

Hikaru smiles and passes out

Kuro: Hey! Tsubasa I need some help over here!

Tsubasa: Oh right

Tsubasa runs over and helps Kuro bring Hikaru to the rook

Yu: is hikari gonna be ok

Kuro: Absolutely, she won't let something like this stop her

Masamune: absolutely

They are in the room

Masamune: argh I can't believe this, Hikaru got trashed out there jjsy like Gingka

Tsubasa: It's fine, like Kuro said it was a tie so we are still in this thing

Blader Dj: As all you fans know it's not over yet both teams still have a chance to win this thing! Wild fang is in a similar position, both teams are at one win, one loss and two ties, which means once again both teams are even, but the next match draws won't cut it one team needs to win!

Zhalia: Dammit! I let myself lose, I got cocky I should've just ended it there

Haru: it's fine Z, no-one knew that Hikaru was going to unleash whatever that was

Benkei: it's true, I've seen Hikaru do a bunch of stuff but never anything like that

Blader Dj: Now who will decide to fate of these teams! Why these guys

Demore or Tsubasa!

Benkei: D..Demore, tsubasa

Yu: Hey what's Demore like

Kuro: he's a lot like zhalia, we really have no idea how he battles since he's never been in any of the matches up too this point

Madoka sighs: looks like we have another opponent that we can't form a strategy too beat

Yu: can you blade this tsubasa

Tsubasa: Oh yeah it's all good, we've come so far that it doesn't matter who I'm battling from here on out, because the only path left for us is too win losing is just not an option

Kenta: give it your best tsubasa, you have to win this thing for Gingka ok

Kuro: and Hikaru as well

Masmaune: we're counting on you tsubasa

Yu: We've come too far to lose now

Madoka: you can do it tsubasa

Tsubasa looks stressed

With team wild fang

Demore: So this is it, I don't have any other choice but to win

Nile: Demore you look really nervous too me

Demore: yes I am, I just never thought that my turn would actually come around so soon, I just cannot believe it Nile that the first battle ok in is going to be such an important one

Haru: You made it through the qualifiers didn't you, that means you're strong

Demore: Haru..but what if I lose, what then, I just don't know if I'm the right guy for this

Benkei: well then switch with me!

Demore: what?

Benkei: I'm tell you to switch with me, how are you going to win of you have no confidence before the battle even starts, don't btkehr going out there if you don't think you can win!

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