The Ocean's power

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In the team room

Hikaru prepares Aqaurio

Hikaru: alright Aqaurio it's you and me, We can win this I know it

Kuro: Yeah I know it too 'he smirks at her' So come on don't look so stressed

Hikaru shakes her head and grins

Hikaru: you're right, we've come this far, we can't fail now

Kuro: Yeah you got it

Hikaru then kisses Kuro pulling him close and then let's go

Kuro blinks a few times and blushes: damn you

Hikaru giggles: Sorry I just wanted to do that

Hikaru runs out ready for her battle and she appears from the corridors and jumps over the railings

Masamune: Go and get em Hikaru! win this!

Yu: Hikari! Take 'em down!

Tsubasa: Show them the results of your training!

Hikaru raises her fist to the sky and walks over too the arena

Heather is waiting for her

Heather: So you ready to do this,

Hikaru: Oh yeah

Italian Dj: The battke is about to begin, if the Japanese team wins this they'll be one step away from victory, but if Excalibur wins this they still have a chance to win, but that'll mean more battles for everyone, can they handle that, well let's see

Hikaru: as my friends have said, we have come too far too fail now

Heather: we feel the same, we will stand at the top of the world with conzern, he will take the top spot in the world

Hikaru: fine then, let's settle this with out beys

Heather: Oh yeah

Wales: So can Heather win this

Ari: She's my Valkyrie, I know she can win this, plus as she said we've come too far to quit now

Julian: Ari is right, Heather cannot fail here

Italian Dj: Well then let's get this started! Ready!

Hikaru: 3!

Heather: 2!

Both teams: One!

Heather/Hikaru: LET IT RIP!

Windshear and Aquario clash in the centre of the arena creating a shockwave as soon as the battle starts

They break apart and Aqaurio moves elegantly

Heather: Windshear, Do it!

Windshear rushes Aqaurio but it dodges and strikes windshear from the side

Heather grits her teeth and then rushes back into attack

Hikaru: Aqaurio do it again!

Aqaurio goes to dodge

Heather: not gonna work twice!

Windshear seems to predict this and strikes Aqaurio sending it back

Hikaru: Tch, (Dammit she figured it out too quickly fine) if it's a head on battle you want, well I'll be happy to oblige!

Aqaurio and windshear start speeding all around the arena clashing over and over again creating shock wave after shockwave

Hikaru: (dammit this is going nowhere) tidal surge!

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