The road continues

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Now Kuro has achieved the 50,000 points he no longer needs to enter tournaments so he's been putting all his time into training hikaru

Hikaru blasts through a tournament until she faces of against a blader with a Virgo named Teru

Blader Dj: Hikaru has had a tough battle up until now

Kuro: (ain't that the truth this Teru guy is no joke)

Teru has just dodged infinite assault

Hikaru: What!

Teru: Virgo, pirouette tour

Sends all the water and illusions away

Hikaru: Pull back Aqaurio

Aqaurio backs up

Teru: Virgo Grand Jete

Virgo jumps m like a ballet dancer

Kuro: (impressive but)

Teru seems confident

Hikaru smirks: gotcha

Teru: What?

Hikaru: you aren't the only one who can dance Do it!

Aqaurio moves around the attack making it so Virgo lands right behind Aqaurio

Hikaru: Now end this!

Aqaurio strikes Virgo sending it flying and out of the ring

Hikaru: Alright!

Blader Dj: And that's another 1500 points for Hikaru, she is on fire ladies and gentlemen

Hikaru shows off her points


Hikaru: Heh you know it, hey teru great battle

Teru: same to you fair maiden

Hikaru blinks: (this guy is weird)


Hikaru: that guy was strong he broke through my special move easily

Kuro: Hikaru can I be honest with ya for a second

Hikaru: sure what's up

Kuro: you are a strong blader no-one is denying that but you rely on your special move way too much for your own good

Hikaru's eyes widen: wait,,is that true

Kuro: everytime you are backed into a corner you use your special move, I'm not saying it isn't strong in fact it's very strong but the special moves strength depends on the blader and right now you need to get a whole heck of a lot stronger

Hikaru: Heh now you are speaking my language let's do it

Kuro: Just so you know I'm a drill Sargent

Hikaru: Heh like I'd care

Kuro: fine I warned you

Kuro stood in the center of the training arena, his posture confident and focused. Hikaru watched him intently, eager to learn from the skilled blader.

Kuro: "Alright, Hikaru, let's start with the basics. The key to a successful bey battle is control and strategy."

Hikaru: Got it

Kuro: First, let's work on your launching technique. The key is to build up power gradually and release at just the right moment for maximum speed and impact.

Hikaru nodded, mimicking Kuro's stance as he demonstrated the proper technique. With each practice launch, she adjusted her grip and timing, gradually improving her control.

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