The great eagle

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Kuro and Hikaru are still walking

Kuro: Ugh when are we going to get to this stupid tournament

Hikaru: hmm according too this it's at least another hour

Kuro: Argh

Hikaru: haven't you traveled the world shouldn't you be more patient

Kuro: it's less about being impatient and more about being really bored

Hikaru: I can't argue that this is boring so much walking

Kuro nods looked bored

An hour later they get too the city

Kuro: well we are here looks like I better get ready

He puts his mask on and looks serious

Hikaru: do you have to do that?

Kuro: when you get regularly hunted down by a bunch of assholes then yeah it's necessary

Hikaru nods: fair enough

They get too the challenge match

Kuro: so see ya in the finals I guess

Hikaru: you betcha

The separate

With Kuro


Dj: and the masked blader continues his winning streak with a effortless victory who is this beast tamer

Kuro: you'll find out after battle bladers

Hikaru is cleaning up too

Dj: and Hikaru scores another win her power seems of increased over the past couple of weeks

Hikaru: (heh you can thank Kuro's training for that) Now go Aqaurio!

The arena crackled with energy as Kuro and Hikaru stepped onto the battlefield, their determination palpable as they prepared to face their respective opponents. With focused expressions, they launched their Beyblades into the stadium, ready to demonstrate their prowess as bladers.

Kuro's Eclipse Tigris spun with precision, its black and white design gleaming under the bright lights of the arena. Across from him, his opponent's Beyblade whirred to life, but Kuro remained unfazed, his gaze steady as he assessed his adversary.

Hikaru's Aquario mirrored Kuro's confidence, its sleek design cutting through the air with grace. As her opponent's Beyblade charged forward, Hikaru met it head-on, her determination shining through her every move.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Kuro and Hikaru deftly dodged their opponents' attacks, their Beyblades weaving through the battlefield with unmatched agility. With each collision, their opponents' Beyblades faltered, unable to withstand the relentless assault.

Kuro's Eclipse Tigris unleashed a barrage of attacks, its power overwhelming his opponent's defenses. With a final, decisive strike, Eclipse Tigris emerged victorious, its triumph echoed by the roar of the crowd.

Meanwhile, Hikaru's Aquario danced amidst the chaos, its movements calculated and precise. With a well-timed maneuver, she delivered the finishing blow, sending her opponent's Beyblade spiraling out of the arena in defeat.

Dj: And the masked blader takes out his own opponent letting on his way too the finals and now it's time for the second semi final match

Hikaru is faced with a blader she can't get a read on

Dj: We've got Hikaru vs Tsubasa

Hikaru: so you're names tsubasa then huh

Tsubasa: that's correct and here 'he takes out his bey' his my earth eagle

The Eclipse blader-Beyblade metal fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now