Striker vs Horuseus

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Blader Dj: Welcome everyone! To the official wbba world championships! The best in the world blade here, the third round of the A block begins now! And if you didn't know the much anticipated first match will be between Masamune and Nile!

Nile fist bumps Haru and Kyoya then walks off

Masamune walks down

Gingka: Your the man out there Masmaune!

Masamune: Yeah leave it too me!

Kuro: Clip those birds wings!

Masamune raises his fist and runs over

Masamune: you gotta love a home game, hearing the fans cheer for me just rocks

Blader Dj: Ok time to find out if this guy can win the opening match and pass the baton to Gingka, everyone here is expecting a lot from Masamune!

Masamune: Hey! What do you mean opening match!? I'm not just added bonus included with gingka!

Tsubasa: Try to focus Masamune

Madoka: take a deep breath

Hikaru: Show em what you've got!

Masamune: Don't hold back on me ok pal! If I win too easily no-one will get excited about it

Nile: you should try and keep your voice down

Masamune: The more you talk big about yourself, the more embarrassed you'll be when I beat you

Masamune: That's it! Now I'll show you what I'm made of Nile!

Blader Dj: Slunds like their ready so let's get going





Let it Rip!

The two beys clash in the centre of the arena

Strike starts pushing horuseus back

But horuseus then immediately pushes back

horuseus almsot pushes striker out of the arena but striker counter attacks and almost does the same thing

But horuseus just about saves itself

Masamune: How do you like my striker now!

Nile: Ha! It does seem to have some power

Masamune: Come again! What do you mean some!

Nile: it's just at that level it cannot defeat my Vulcan horuseus, horuseus the king of the sky thay can see everything, also known as the bird man with the head of a falcon from Egyptian myth, Horus!

Masmaune: Egyptian, smpytian!

Nile: Now you will feel the true power for the desert!

Masamune: Bring it on! Sandman come at me anyway you like!

Yu: Can you not take the bait so easily for once!

Masamune: Don't bug me! If my opponent makes me use 100% then illl go even higher and use 120% that's how the number one blader fights his battles

Nile: Ha! You're only number 1 at shooting your mouth off, Spead your wings horuseus!

Horuseus blasts a lot of wind and striker but it just keeps on dodging with it's unbelievable speed

Nile: You're better than I thought

Masamune: Naturally I'm the worlds strongest number one blader didn't I mention that earlier!

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