The obstacle course

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Kazuto and Hikaru are on opposite ends of the arena

Kazuto: Alright Hikaru let's do this

Hikaru: bring it

Russia Dj: Now time to introduce a special gimmick for this match, The obstacle course!

The arena starts shifting, the circle grows and from bellow appears a lot of obstacles

Kazuto: what is this!

Russia: This is too decide who can think on their feet the best who can battle while dodging obstacles

Anton: yes. This is good, with Dark mercenary's exceptional aerial mobility, Kazuto has the advantage plus he's Kazuto more skilled then his opponent anyway

Kazuto: I thought we agreed! No tricks!

Anton: oh this wasn't me, when you left we took a vote, 4-2 you lost

Kazuto growls: fine then I'm sorry Hikaru

Hikaru: it's no issue let's just battle!

Kazuto: right

Tsubasa: is Hikaru gonna be ok out there

Kuro: she'll be good, we trained together in the forest a lot

Yu: give em all you've got Hikari!

Hikaru raises her fist

Russia Dj: Now three, two, One! LET IT RIP!

.Both beys hit the arena and start navigating the new terrain with precision and speed.

Kazuto: "Dark Mercenary, do it!

Dark Mercenary immediately shot upward, using its exceptional aerial mobility to jump from obstacle to obstacle, while Aqaurio, stayed grounded, moving nimbly around the barriers.

Hikaru: let's show them what we're made of!

Aqaurio darted through the obstacles, its movements fluid and precise. It narrowly dodged a series of spikes that shot up from the ground, demonstrating Hikaru's skill and quick thinking.

Anton: What's this! She didn't show these moves in China

Hikaru grinned

Russia DJ: And it looks like both competitors are off to a strong start! Dark Mercenary is taking advantage of the high ground, while Aqaurio is showing some impressive dodging skills!

Kazuto: Alright, Dark Mercenary, strike from above!

Dark Mercenary dove down with incredible speed, aiming to strike Aquario from above. Hikaru was ready.

Hikaru: Aqaurio dodge it!

Aquario switch its usual grace dodged the incoming strike

Russia DJ: What an amazing counter! Hikaru is showing that she won't be taken down easily!

Kazuto: Not bad, but let's see how you handle this. Dark Mercenary, Phantom Slash

Dark Mercenary began to glow with a dark aura, preparing to unleash its special move. It sliced through the air, aiming directly at Aquario.

Hikaru grinned

Hikaru: Aquario it's time for our new trick!


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