Ryuga is on the move

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It starts with Kuro and Hikaru done with their training for the day and it's nighttime

Kuro: well that's enough for today

Hikaru: Heh yeah I guess so

They set up their campsite and are sitting by a campfire

Kuro: So yu feel any stronger

Hikaru: yeah I do it's all thanks too you

Kuro gives a small smirk: well I've gotta keep things interesting don't I if you don't get stronger I might think you're too boring to keep around

Hikaru slyly: oh is that so? Well tough guy don't think I'm going to let you be ahead of me for long

Kuro: bring it Hikaru

They settle down for the night

Hikaru is looking up at the stars: (wow my life has changed so much I'm becoming stronger everyday, I'm travelling around with Ryuga's brother this really is a crazy world is there anything I'd change well a few things comes to mind, I want too see him with a genuine smile on his face he always has that strained look on his face and it makes me uncomfortable he's definitely got so much weight on his shoulders that I can't even fathom well then guess I'll just have to help him out, you see me mother looks like I have something else to live for now apart from beyblading)

That's when she noticed Kuro squirming in his sleep looking even more strained then usual

Hikaru: (is he having a nightmare)

Kuro: Brother,,don't go, please Ryu don't please me alone

Kuro seems to off been struck in his dream because he recoiled from something invisible

Hikaru's eyes widened: (he's dreaming about Ryuga leaving him)

She gets up, then walks over too him

Hikaru is unsure what to do but her first thought is too comfort him

Hikaru: uhh never done this before but guess it can't hurt right

Hikaru gently wraps her arms around him too hold him hoping too relax him a little

Kuro still squirms a little but after a little while seems too be calm down

Hikaru: (I really hope this helps)

Little does she know Kuro feels a warmth he's never really felt before and he enjoys it

The next morning they wake up

Kuro goes to get up but realises Hikaru is hugging him and he gets a light blush on his face

Kuro: uhh Hikaru what are you doing?

Hikaru wakes up and yawns

Hikaru: well you where having a nightmare so I thought I'd try and calm you down and you didn't seem to dislike it so I thought it was ok

Kuro coughs a little embarrassed

Kuro: uhh it's fine but come on let's start the day

Hikaru smirks a little having this been the first time she's ever seen Kuro flustered

Hikaru: sure let's get started

They get uo and head out

Soon Kuro and Hikaru are in a cafe enjoying some food and drink

Hikaru: Wait so you don't drink coffee

Kuro: Why would I that stuff sucks

That's when they see on the tv

Blader Dj: beyblade news Boys and girls first there is about one month left until battle bladers, second an unbelievably strong blader has returned he's awesome, he's absolutely unbelievable, having appeared only once in the survival battle award ceremony irs Ryuga using the left rotating bey lightning L-Drago he has left nothing but scorched earth and babbling bladers in his wake a fearsome competitor attacking with no mercy he is collecting a huge pile of points

Kuro: So he's on the move then huh 

Hikaru: it'd seem so I thought you'd be more stressed

Kuro: yeah so would I'm saving all of it for when I face off against him

Blader Dj: Can anyone stop this runaway train who can derail this incredibly powerful blader?

Kuro: well I'm not going to lose alright I'm ready too train

Hikaru: yeah me too

They rush out the cafe ryu tosses some money at the counter too Paku for it

They get too a challenge match, Hikaru tears her way through the competition and then finally winning

Blader Dj: and that's another 1500 points for Hikaru she is well on her way too getting the 50,000 points needed

Hikaru: Heh

'She shows off her points


Hikaru turns on her heels and walks off too meet back up with Kuro

Kuro: Nice job now come on let's keep going

Hikaru: Right hopefully it's something more interesting next time

This keeps going further and further until

Hikaru is in the finals again looking bored

Blader Dj: Hikaru is once again in the finals! Who can challenge her


Tetsuya: I can crab! You are going down Crab!

Hikaru: who are you again?

Tetsuya falls too the ground

Tetsuya: I will make you remember me crab! Let's go Crab!

Hikaru: Fine bring it on

Blader Dj: Ok the weird banter is over now it's time to begin


Tetsuya: 2 Crab!

Hikaru: 1


Although Tetsuya tries too be weird and tricky Hikaru is unfazed tricks can only take you so far what really gets you too the top is simply being stronger than your opponent and with these two there's no question whose stronger

Hikaru: Let's rap this up quickly Aqaurio no point in wasting time after all He is getting bored waiting for us!

Tetsuya: Crabba what don't you underestimate me! Go track change!

Dark Gasher gets taller

Tetsuya: just try and beat me now your bey can't reach mine

Hikaru: wrong sorry, it's time to test out my new weapon! Aqaurio! Infinite assault!

Hikaru unleashes her usual special move attacking the Crab bey over and over again with rapid attacks

Tetsuya: Hahaha Crabby you stand no chance you can't even reach me

Hikaru: didn't I just tell you, you where wrong

Suddenly the real Aqaurio appeared and slammed down onto Gasher

Aqaurio: This is my improved special move The bey blends into the crowd and then when the opponent gets either overwhelmed or overconfident The True attack is unleashed from above

Gasher is soon sent flying right out of the arena

Blader Dj: and it's all over! Despite the height advantage Hikaru has emerged victorious with an improved special move!

Hikaru: Heh that's some more points for me and Tetsuya!

Tetsuya: Crab!

Hikaru: Tell Ryuga to watch his back!

And that's a wrap

Almost time for battle bladers 

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