Gravity destroyer

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Italian Dj: it's now time for the last round of the A block final, team Japan now has two wins and two ties, If they win this one it's onto the world

But it is not over for team Excalibur! If they can win this will we move onto bonus rounds where they will be given a shot at victory it's low but not impossible

Especially since the one competing in this match for team Excalibur is

The one the only

Julian conzern!

His opponent from Gan-Gan galaxy

The others gasp

Madoka: what should we do Masamune

Kuro: then hears something, just wait

Gingka runs out

Gingka: if you're looking for me! I'm right here!

Madoka: Gingka..

Masamune: Gingka!

Yu: Gingy!

Gingka: sorry for the wait

Madoka: we're just glad you're ok

Italian  Dj: and Gingka makes his entrance at last, it is Julian conzern vs Gingka! A fitting end too the A block final that's for sure, the final match will be a battle between two great bladers

Kuro walks over and raises his fist

Kuro: how's my brother doing

Gingka: He's alright, now it's time to win this

Kuro: right don't you dare lose

The duo fist bump and Gingka rushes too the arena jumping over the railing

Yu: we'll leave the rest too you Gingy!

Italian Dj: After arriving at the last minute Gingka looks so tired you'd think he was battling all  afternoon somewhere

Maodka: that's exactly what he's been doing all afternoon

Yu: and his opponent was Ryuga no less

Masmaune: which means he's in a big hole before the battle even starts

Kuro: I don't know about that

Hikaru: yeah there's something about him that makes me think he's got a shot

Tsubasa: they are right his fighting spirit has not weakened

Madoka: it's just the opposite he looks ready to rock

Julian and Gingka do some trash talk

Team Excalibur are all watching klaus seems back on his feet

Ari seems to be in good condition and so does Heather

It's time for the match too begin




Let it rip!

Destroyer is using reverse rotation and Pegasus is fighting it off without an issue

He's forcing destroyer back

Because he came from fighting a left rotation bey he can now predict where destroyed is going to go

Kuro: (it's true destroyer is nothing compared to L drago)

Julian then fights back even fiercer

Julian: This gravity destroyer, is the strongest right rotating and he strongest left rotating bey in the world, it is the strongest dual rotating bey

Gingka: Pegasus!, sorry conzern! But that title belongs to Kuro's twilight Tigris! But that doesn't matter I will win!

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