Chapter One

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Clarke's POV

She despised him. At least, that's what she told herself.

Ever since Raven Reyes (Finn's girlfriend whom Clarke was unaware of) landed on earth, a tension formed between Finn and Clarke. Although Finn tried countless times to regain the connection that Clarke and he once had, Clarke rebuilt her walls, which he had once shattered. She kept her distance, only spoke to him if it was absolutely necessary, stopped stealing glances of him; she could never look at him the same way she'd used to.

It was Unity Day. Most of the 100 thought of this tradition to be bullshit, but used it as an excuse to party and get drunk. Wild laughter filled the night sky. It was the one day everyone forgot about their responsibilities and finally had fun, well, everyone but Clarke.

Clarke clenched onto the tin cup which Monty's moonshine sat in, untouched, while she gazed into the flickering flames of the fire. She swished the moonshine around the cup, and listened to the shouts and laughter that surrounded her. Heat radiated from the fire onto her face, bringing warmth to her cheeks.

Tilting her head upwards, she glanced around camp to see dancing, drinking and a few teenagers making out. Her eyes spotted Raven, who was grasping onto Finn's hand, happily stumbling into the drop ship.

A pang of jealously shot across her face. No matter how much she denied it to herself, the truth was that she still loved Finn. She wanted to scream. She let him love her and in return, he took her heart and crushed it. Her stomach tangled into tight knots just looking at him, he was all she had.

She released the cup from her grasp, with the moonshine splashing onto the ground. Tears welded into the corners of her eyes, slightly blurring her vision. She wanted to run away, to escape from Finn. At one point in time, Finn swept Clarke off her feet, she thought their love was truly like a fairy tale.

But the truth is, fairy tales aren't real.

Clarke hastily stood up and rushed to her tent, only to shortly come out with her bag. She needed to clear her head, and to take some time to herself.

"Miller, let me through," Clarke was persistent as she tried to leave through the camp gates. "Why should I?" he crossed his arms and stood tall in front to the gate. Clarke was clearly frustrated, Miller usually let Clarke through, he was getting on her nerves. Miller seemed pretty bitter with the fact that he couldn't drink and had to guard the gate.

"We're going to hunt for extra food" spoke Bellamy as he barged into the conversation. Clarke glanced at Bellamy in confusion, but didn't bother to question him, she didn't have time to deal with Bellamy and his bickering. She couldn't take being in that camp for a second longer. With that, Miller pried open the gate, letting the two leaders march through.

Bellamy's POV

His eyes followed Octavia, as she danced in a crowd of other careless teenagers. He smiled to himself, knowing that Octavia can finally be a "normal teenager" and not have to worry about anyone or anything. His eyes wandered around camp, only to be captured by the attention of a lonely blond sitting alone around the camp fire.

He watched as her eyes focused on Raven and Finn as they drunkenly entered the drop ship. He noticed how the expression on her face shifted from hatred to disappointment. Bellamy was tempted to approach and sit with her, but she stormed into her tent. A minute later, Clarke came out of her tent, and walked to the gate.

Word had spread quickly throughout camp that Finn and Clarke slept together, only for Clarke to find out that Finn had been cheating on Raven with herself. Bellamy couldn't picture what was running through Clarke's mind. One moment she was with someone who she thought loved her, the next, finding out that he loves someone else.

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