Chapter Four

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Raven's POV

"Hey, this may sting a little" spoke Raven as she concentrated on cleaning Finn's wounds.

"Raven, I'm fine" spoke Finn harshly, as he hissed at the pain.

"You will be once we clean this up" mumbled Raven as she dabbed the wet cloth on Finn, wiping away the blood. After a moment of silence Raven spoke up "why did you pick a fight with Bellamy?"

"He got Clarke pregnant."

Raven slightly pulled back to look at Finn's expression on his face, "so?"

He threw his hands in the air in frustration, "Raven, in nine months we will have to take care of a kid while we cant even defend ourselves!"

Raven stopped cleaning Finn's wounds, crossed her arms and gave Finn a look of confusion. "I don't see why you need to worry so much for her child's well being. They'll figure things out." 

Finn's eyes met hers.

"Raven, I think you should get Clarke to sew my cuts, after all she's a doctor."

"Why? Finn, I may be a mechanic but I know how to take care of you." Raven spoke defensively as she gazed into Finn's eyes.

She knew that Finn understood that Raven was perfectly capable at helping him. He was using his wounds as an excuse to speak to Clarke. Deep down, Raven knew that Finn didn't love her, at least not the way that she wanted to be loved.

Finn was always protective over Clarke, more so than he was over Raven. She could tell he was head over heels for her, just by looking at him. She would watch how Finn gazed at Clarke, it was the same way Raven gazed at Finn. She could see the amount of amazement and lust that filled his eyes, but when he would look at her, it wasn't the same.

Raven needed Finn, but she wasn't sure if he needed her.

She snapped back into reality from her thoughts, and shook her doubts away. Raven looked backed at Finn, and sighed.

"Okay, if that's what you want." Raven placed the cloth into the water bowl and headed out of the drop ship, but felt a grasp on her forearm.

"Raven, You know I love you right?"

The corners of her lips lifted slightly about to form into a smile, then quickly turned into a straight line. "Sure," and with that Raven left Finn in the drop ship to find Clarke.

Finn's POV

Deep down, Finn wished that the baby was actually his. He would've loved to start a family with Clarke. With a strong willed, smart woman like Clarke, he knew that his child was in good hands.

But the baby wasn't his, it was Bellamy's. Bellamy just sleazes around with every girl he can get his hands on. Clarke was one of his victims. He wouldn't be by her side through this, Finn knew that Bellamy would abandon Clarke and their baby...

Finn felt guilty, it was like a wave a jealousy had washed over him. He was too crazy in love with Clarke to see that his words had hurt her. Before Raven dragged him into the drop ship, he looked at Clarke's expression on her face, she seemed so damaged. Finn never meant for his words to haunt Clarke, he was just so upset.

Finn wanted to make amends with her. He needed her forgiveness.

When Raven came down to earth, he was thankful. He was thankful that she was alive, Finn was sure that he would never see her again. But a part of him wish that she never came, because of Raven, Finn's love affair with Clarke was put at a halt.

Ever since their trek to Mount Weather, Finn felt something towards Clarke. The feeling was so strange, yet he craved it. Was it lust? Passion? He felt so comfortable by her side, every time he looked at her, it was like he was falling in love with her all over again.

Finn wanted to love Clarke, but Raven was family to him, and she was holding him back. He was trapped in a relationship which he didn't want to be in anymore. Finn was so scared of hurting Raven, he wouldn't be able to look at himself. He didn't know what to do.

He continued to stare at the ceiling of the drop ship while deep in thought, awaiting for his princess to walk through the entrance at any moment.

Octavia's POV

"He may be a self serving jackass most of the time, and he may not have the best judgement, and-" Octavia cut Jasper off as he started to ramble.

"Your point Jasper?" Octavia chuckled as she shot Jasper a questioning glance.

"My point is that he does all those things to protect you."

She let out a sigh, "he couldn't even trust me enough to tell me that he was going to have a kid." Her eyes darted towards the ground as Jasper slowly spoke.

"Look, just think about it okay? He may have a good explanation for this." Jasper smiled, making Octavia smile back at him. He stood up and left her tent.

Octavia was clearly frustrated with her brother, she wasn't sure if she wanted to deal with him. It already pissed her off that her own brother couldn't trust her. Octavia was sick at being in this camp, she needed to escape. She knew exactly where to go.

Bellamy's POV

"Just listen to me!" called Clarke as she tried to catch up to Bellamy.

He was walking towards Octavia's tent as he suddenly came to a stop. He turned around to face Clarke and spoke in a stern voice. "I did listen to you! I was there for you and in return you back stab me!" He turned around but was pulled back by Clarke's grasp, he span around to face her.

"No! That's not what happened! Finn made a-"

"Haven't you done enough? My sister hates me! The whole camp thinks that you're conceiving my child! What haven't you done to make my life a living hell?!" Bellamy gritted his teeth, he starred at her as if his eyes were like draw knives.

Clarke stood there paralyzed, with tears that poured out of her weary eyes. She sobbed as she tried to speak, her breath uneven and wheezy. "You need to know that the Grounders... they-"

"Screw the Grounders" muttered Bellamy as he yanked his arm out of her grasp. He turned around and made his way to Octavia's tent.

At that moment, he didn't care about what the Grounders did. All he cared about was patching his relationship with Octavia, and to tell her everything that truly happened.

He popped his head into her tent, "O?" questioned Bellamy, but there was no response.

Octavia was gone.


Wow, this was my quickest update ever. GO ME!

Definitely tell me what you all think about the different POV's! Most chapters will revolve around Bellamy and Clarke, but once in a while there will be chapters dedicated to the other characters!

I hope you guys are liking this story so far! I would love it if you all left feedback and voted for the story! 


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