Chapter Six

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Bellamy's POV

His knuckles were tender and sore, the oozing, red blood that had spilled on the surface of his skin started to cake. When he slightly moved his fingers, a sharp pain would sting his hand. He could feel the warm liquid of blood drip down from his busted lip. Carelessly, he wiped it away with his sleeve, which stained the fabric.

He rushed out of Octavia's tent, and scanned the camp for Jasper. His eyes fell on the scrawny boy. "Jasper!" Bellamy screamed out.

Jasper was talking to Monty when he turned his head in worry to see Bellamy approach him.

"Where's Octavia?" Bellamy spat as he towered over Jasper.

"I- In her tent?" Stuttered Jasper, with fear in his eyes.

"Octavia!" Bellamy called out, there was no response. "Octavia!" Bellamy screeched out, there was still no response.

Bellamy stepped away from Jasper, realizing that his sister had ran away.

His sister ran away.


He had a nightmare about this once.

Octavia was scared of her brother; she thought he had become some sort of monster. She ran away, to escape her brothers taunting wrath.

When Bellamy had found her in the middle of the woods, he knelled down next to the beaten and bruised corpse which he had once called his sister.

His hands were trembling, a deep ache in his chest was throbbing of a tight pain. He couldn't even manage to spit out a single word, he felt numb.

His whole world came crashing down.

When he had awoken from his taunting dream, bits and pieces of his dream were very vivid. He pushed gory thoughts into the back of his mind, carrying on with his daily tasks. No matter how many times he tried to erase the image of Octavia's corpse, it kept floating around in his mind.

On the surface he looked perfectly fine, but no one knew that the haunting nightmare was eating him on the inside.

Bellamy went to Monty for a cup of moonshine, one drink led to another.

When Bellamy awoke, he found himself to be in his tent with some girl he couldn't remember the name of. He thought his fears were just a fragment of the past, but the thought of his dead sister was still vivid.

This wasn't a nightmare he could awake from, not when he was possibly living it.


If he could, Bellamy would lie in his makeshift bed all day, just to think. Bellamy was clueless as to why Clarke would do such a thing to him. He had a lot of unanswered questions, but he couldn't search for answers. He had to find Octavia.

His stomach churned into tight, twisted knots when he thought of the nightmare he had about his sister, but it felt like a stab to the chest when he thought of Clarke.

He was there for her when she needed someone the most, and in return she tangled him into a sick lie; about him being the father of Finn's child. She used him as a pawn in some messed up game of hers, Bellamy was caught up in the middle of it.

Bellamy had always admired Clarke for her strengths, and even her weaknesses. She didn't hesitate to make decisions that she thought was right, she fought for what she believed in.

A part of him felt something towards her.

Now, he didn't know what to think of her.

Bellamy had taken a rifle, and swung it around his back as he gripped onto the strap. He stuffed his sack with rations of food.

Bellamy bolted towards the gate, and stopped in his tracks as someone called out his name, like a desperate plea.

"Bellamy, wait!"

He cringed as he heard her voice. Hasn't Clarke done enough? He needed to find his sister. For all he knew, his nightmare could've been turning into a reality. Either way, Bellamy needed to find her.

Someone had clutched onto his arm, begging him to look at them.

"Bellamy, please." Clarke's voice cracked as she pleaded him to at least look at her.

He didn't bother to even give her the slightest glance, he yanked away from her grasp and started to walk towards the gate.


"Stop Clarke! Just fucking stop!" he screamed as he rose his hands in the air, and turned towards her.

Heads turned towards Bellamy, with all eyes on the two leaders.

"Listen to me! The Grounders... There's a war with the Grounders," Clarke whimpered for everyone to hear.

This got the whole camps attention.

"Fuck Clarke! What have you not done to ruin everyone's lives?!" Bellamy spat, venom dripped from every word that came out of his mouth.

"Finn set it up! Look, everything I've done was to help-" she screeched out.

He let out a sarcastic chuckle, quickly cutting her off. "Help? Clarke, you're not helping anyone! Haven't you done enough?!" he turned around and was about to open the gate.

"So you're just going to leave?!" shouted Clarke, as tears stained her bright red cheeks. "You're just going to leave me?" she barely whispered, loud enough for only him to hear.

Bellamy slightly turned his head to see Clarke, weak and vulnerable, in front of the whole camp. It was so out of character for her, but he could hear the desperation in her voice. He knew that she needed him, but he needed his sister.

"You have Spacewalker."

With that, Bellamy took off to look for his sister.

Clarke's POV

Her head was throbbing, heart racing, she needed to tell him everything that truly happened. She pulled away from her conversation with Raven, and dashed towards Bellamy, pleading for him to listen to her.

She needed him. She couldn't lose him.

"Help? Clarke, you're not helping anyone! Haven't you done enough?!" Clarke was barely functioning, she was a broken machine. Clarke knew that Bellamy was right, she did screw everything up. For all Bellamy knows, Octavia could be dead.

"You're just going to leave me?" she managed to whisper.

"You have Spacewalker" he hardheartedly said.

She knew she was to blame, it was all her fault.

He was there for her one day, but the next, it was like he didn't even exist. She couldn't lose Bellamy, he was the only person who knew what she was going through.

Bellamy was a power hungry, self- serving jackass, but Clarke needed that power hungry, self- serving jackass.

But now, he was gone.

And it was because of her.

She knew it was bad of her to look vulnerable in front of the camp, after all, they looked up to her. She sunk to her knees and sobbed as she watched Bellamy leave camp. Nothing could control Clarke's pleas of desperation for Bellamy to come back.



This chapter was unedited because I really wanted to update this story, since I was MIA for so long. Try to ignore the grammar errors and such.

I'll do my best to update a chapter every week during the school year, I may get carried away though, so no promises.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you think! I would love to receive feedback!

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