Chapter Fourteen

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Bellamy's POV

"What did you do to her?!" screeched Bellamy in frustration as he pushed Murphy, making him stumble to the ground.

"Look man, I didn't touch your precious princess" mockingly spat Murphy as he tried to prop himself up.

"Why the hell is she coughing up blood?!"

"I- I don't know!" stuttered Murphy as he glared back at Bellamy.

"I should've killed you when I had the chance!" shrieked Bellamy.

"Well, I'm right here. What are you fucking waiting for?" taunted Murphy with a sly, devilious look on his face.

Bellamy was about to throw a punch at Murphy, only to be held back by someone from behind.

"Stop Bellamy!" hollered Finn as he yanked Bellamy's fist away from being near Murphy's face.

"Stupid spacewalker," thought Bellamy before his thoughts were interupted by Finn's voice.

"Murphy, what do you remember last?" hastily questioned Finn.

Murphy coughed up some blood onto the dropship floor as he rested his head against the cold, metal ground. "They- they forgot to lock my cage... so I... I ran." Murphy squeezed his eyes shut as he shuddered at the thought.

"They let him go," realized Finn as he looked at Murphy. "We've been waiting for them to attack, and Murphy's the weapon. Why do they need to kill us when Murphy can simply wipe us out with some virus..."

Bellamy turned back to see an unconscious Clarke ontop of the dropship table. A strange feeling formed in the pit of this stomach, the same feeling that he felt when he discovered that Octavia ran away. Was it fear? Worry? Whatever it was, Bellamy was afraid of all the emotions that he started to develop for this girl.

The baby...

"What about Clarke's baby?" spoke up Bellamy as he shot Finn a frantic look.

"I-I don't know, I guess we will have to wait and see."

"Help!" shouts and screams were coming from outside. Finn and Bellamy exchanged worried glances before exiting the dropship to see most of the camp huddled together, surrounding a dying teenager as he gasped for air, while coughing blood at the same time.

"Get him in the dropship!" frantically called Finn as he rushed to help escort the teenager.

Bellamy watched as the two made it up the dropship ramp, before Finn quickly stopped to say "the virus is spreading, we need a quarantine set up."

"Yeah, no shit" mumbled Bellamy before entering into the dropship.

Octavia's POV

It was everything she had imagined. Kids dashed through the grass playing some sort of running game, people were building little huts, some were also carrying baskets of food. The village was filled with chatter and laughter, which reminded her of the dance she went to on the Ark, until she got restrained and locked away.

"I love it" she mumbled as Lincoln intertwined his hands with hers.

"And I love you" cheekily whispered Lincoln.

A blush arose on Octavia's cheeks as she went on her tipy toes to give him a kiss, which he gladly recieved.


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