Chapter Eleven

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Clarke's POV

"Octavia? Bellamy?" whispered Finn as he led the group into Lincoln's cave.

No one responded.

"Octavia? Bellamy?" questioned Finn once more as he called out into the darkness.


When Clarke went inside Lincoln's cave, she became discouraged. The Blake's were nowhere in sight, Lincoln wasn't even home. The fire that once burned was put out, the books that sat on Lincoln's desk were scattered on the floor. No one was home.

Her heart sunk.

"I thought you said that they would be here?" asked Jasper, concerned.

"I thought they would be." Finn disappointingly spoke.

That's when she saw it, in the corner of the room. The tiny patch of dried blood. "Move" desperately spoke Clarke as she pushed past Finn and towards the blood. "It's dried," she said.

Finn quickly approached behind her, followed by Jasper and Monty.

"It's been here for days." Finn used the tip of his fingers and touched the dry blood.

"What are you trying to say, Finn?" Clarke spoke gravely.

He stuttered. "I- I think we lost the trail."

Clarke quickly stood up and shoved past the boys. "I need some air."


After Finn and Clarke went on their hunting out trip, Finn approached her the same night, he told her that he would help track the Blake's. Clarke was thrilled and recruited Jasper and Monty to join them.

The next day, the four took a trip into the woods, Finn followed footsteps and broken branches until it led into Lincoln's cave. Clarke had high hopes about this trip, she needed Octavia and Bellamy; alive.

Now, Clarke's high hopes were shattered. She didn't want to believe that Octavia or Bellamy were possibly dead. The guilt consumed her, she couldn't take the burden if anything happened between the two.

She stood outside Lincoln's cave and saw a figure move among the trees. A Grounder? No, it couldn't be, Grounder's don't wear hazmat suits and black oxygen masks. The figure was limping. Were there other survivors?

Was she hallucinating?

"Clarke," a voice spoke behind her.

Clarke turned around to see Finn behind her, he placed a hand on her shoulder. She flinched. Clarke looked back in the direction of the woods, the figure was gone. "I have to find them... I need to." She whispered.

"We can't, the-"

"We have to Finn! They need us as much as we need them, for all we know, they could be dead by now!" Clarke pushed Finn's hand off of her shoulder and backed away from him.


"The Grounder's haven't attacked us in weeks, don't you think that's suspicious?! They could have Octavia and Bellamy, what if they're torturing them? What if-"

"We don't know that Clarke! There's only so much I can do! What do you want from me?" screeched Finn.

"Search harder."


Time flew by. Nightfall quickly approached, the sun was going to set in about an hour. The four pairs of eyes scanned the forest for any sign of the Blake's. Feet scurried through rough terrain. Finn ran in all sorts of directions, with Jasper, Monty and Clarke who scampered behind.

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