Chapter Three

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Clarke's POV

"Clarke, we need to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about," hearing Finn's voice started to agitate Clarke. Right when he found her and Bellamy in the woods, he continuously tried to talk to her on the way back to camp. 

"I set up a meeting with the Grounders."

"Finn, you did what?!" Clarke turned to him in frustration.

Out of all the idiotic things that he's done, this was by far the stupidest. Not only was Finn pestering Clarke to tell him about what Bellamy and her did the night before, but Finn had to take matters into his own hands and make the situation even worse.

"They wanted you to be there to make the negotiation for a truce, but you weren't there."

Clarke gritted her teeth as she spoke "what's your point?" She watched as Finn let out a huge sigh, and saw as he struggled to phrase the sentence he was about to say.

"They declared war."

She pushed past him heading for the drop ship, "no one gave you the right to do this."

"I can explain! I was going to tell you but Miller said that you and Bellamy took off. While I was trying to fix things, you go off with Bellamy to fool around!" 

Clarke didn't want to look at Finn, she could picture a devilish look that smeared across Finn's face, she heard him chuckle as he continued to rant.

"Bellamy! Out of all people you chose Bellamy! Are you blind, Clarke?!"

Clarke stopped walking, her heart sunk as Finn's venomous words seethed through his mouth. It enraged her that Finn had the nerve to say all those things to her. He had no idea what was actually going on, it was none of his business anyways. It pissed Clarke off that he was so hung up over her. Finn had his own girlfriend for crying out loud.

Clarke spun on her heels and starred at Finn in anger, "It's funny, since I was so blind I didn't see the piece of shit you truly are. But don't worry Finn, I can see clearly now."


"Don't Finn," and with that, Clarke made her way to the drop ship.


She rubbed her temples with her fingertips as she tried to clear her head, Clarke didn't feel any better since they got back to camp. Clarke felt like some of the pressure had been lifted off her shoulders, but Finn had to come along and add more weight.

Clarke slightly lifted up her shirt to notice a very small bump on the lower part of her stomach. She sighed as she gently placed her palm on the area where her unborn child was growing.

It suddenly hit her that in no time, her baby bump would be noticeable to everyone in camp. She had a lot to deal with, but her baby bump wasn't her main priority, her main priority was to keep the camp safe.

Suddenly, the door flaps open as Raven walked in abruptly. She starred at her as Clarke quickly put down her shirt. Clarke wasn't fast enough to dodge Raven's questions.

"I was just getting more wire, is everything okay in here?"

"Yeah, I just..." Clarke paused. She didn't know what to say. She tried to come up with an excuse on the spot, but it looked exactly like what it seemed.

"Clarke, are you pregnant?"

Just as Raven had said those words, guess who walked in on cue?

Stupid Spacewalker. 

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