Chapter Twenty

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i have a rant at the bottom of this chapter. appreciate it if you would read and post your thoughts. thanks!

Bellamy's POV

He was in a world of his own. Just him and her, no one else. There wasn't a care in the world. They didn't have to worry about a surprise Grounder attack, or those Masked Men returning to harm him. He didn't have to worry about Octavia running away, or how the hundred might not be able to provide for Clarke's baby.

It was just him and her.

And that's how he felt in that moment. His forehead against hers. He replayed the moment in his head, him and her kissing. He wanted this moment to last.

As they sat in the dimly lit room, he pondered if maybe his dreams were actually coming close to a reality.

"Princess," he mumbled as his forehead touched hers, his eyes shut.

"Bell," she breathless spoke as he could hear her panting.

"Be mine, Clarke," whispered Bellamy as he snuggled his head into the crook of her neck.

"W-what?" spoke Clarke, clearly flustered.

"I said, be mine" mumbled Bellamy, leaving sloppy kisses along her neck.

Clarke pulled back, leaving Bellamy embarrassed and confused. "Is this some twisted joke?" spoke Clarke, with evident pain and hurt in her voice.

"No- why would you think that?" spoke Bellamy sincerely as he tried not to explode in anger. What is going on with her? thought Bellamy.

"Is this what you say to all of your hookups?" asked Clarke more hurt as her voice slightly cracked.

"Clarke, this isn't a hookup," Bellamy spoke to Clarke as he used his fingers to lift up her chin. His eyes met hers. "This isn't a hookup," whispered Bellamy, confirming what he said.

Clarke pulled her head out of his touch, filling Bellamy with rejection and hurt. "Then what is it?"

Bellamy didn't know what he was supposed to say. He told her it wasn't a hookup, he was sure that she knew this. Why wasn't she listening to him? He tried to formulate his next sentence, but his mind blanked. He didn't know what to say, he was speechless.

"See Bellamy? You don't know what this is." Clarke replied back, scooting back from him.

Rejection piled inside Bellamy. Is this what she thought this was? A mere hookup? No, he wouldn't accept this. He waited too long just for this moment to happen. He wasn't going to lose her. He needed to make her understand.

"No." replied Bellamy.

"No?" retorted Clarke.

"No. I actually want be with you Clarke. You drive me crazy every single day. You have no idea how much you drift in my mind. I can't go a day without wondering what you're doing, if you're okay. I can't get you out of my head, no matter how much I try. Because I want you to want me as much as I want you." He held onto Clarke's hand, squeezing it to assure her that he wanted her by his side.

His conscience tried to hold him back, before he continued to ramble about how he felt,  Clarke leaned in for another kiss. This kiss was slower and passionate, everything Clarke wanted to say to him was said through their kiss.

He could feel the heat rise from his back, the tension and stress was lifted off his shoulders as his mind was enveloped in her warmth.

"Bell... What about the rest of the camp? O-our relationship will weaken the camp. We will be more vulnerable." Clarke whispered after she pulled apart from their kiss.

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