Chapter Twenty One

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Lincoln's POV

He kept to himself, mostly. He helped mend the camp together, making life easier for the teenagers by teaching them the ins and outs of the wilderness. He told stories around the campfire, about the Mountain Men, the history of his village, the twelve clans.

He slowly but surely turned into one of the hundred. 

Lincoln truly enjoyed being around Octavia's people, but throughout his entire stay, a single question stuck to the back of his mind. 

Where were his people?

Lincoln went back to his cave on multiple occasions to bring back belongings, old books he collected, nick knacks, and so on. Curiosity would tell his conscience to visit the village, but he always decided against it. The last thing he needed was for his people to call him "traitor" and try to stab him with a spear.


Clarke suggested that he should bring back some vials, to teach the teenagers how to make medicinal liquids. Jasper and Monty tagged along, to help Lincoln bring some more supplies. Lincoln glanced over to Jasper and Monty, who seemed to be in a world of their own. 

"I think I'm going to my village," Lincoln notified Monty and Jasper, before going on a tangent of his own.

"Wait, what?" spoke Monty as he turned around to face Lincoln.

"Something isn't right," spoke Lincoln as he handed some vials to Jasper and Monty. "Go back to camp, I'll arrive later."

"No way man," spoke Jasper. "We go together."

Lincoln sighed but reasoned "Listen. If they see you, they will kill you. I'm not even supposed to go to the village."

"Then why are you going?" questioned Monty, confused.

"I think there's something wrong with my people." With that, Lincoln headed in the opposite direction, with Monty and Jasper hesitantly stumbling behind.


"I can't believe we're doing this," muttered Jasper, as he crouched behind a bush, alongside Monty and Lincoln.

"Shh" whispered Lincoln as he peered above the bush, to see a clear view of Ton DC. 

Jasper mumbled something incoherent as Lincoln scanned the village. The town's fire was put out. There was no sounds of chatter, children playing, people working. It was all white noise. Lincoln stood up from behind the bush and walked towards the town.

"Lincoln!" Jasper hissed, trying to call him back to hide behind the bush.

"Ugh. C'mon Jasper," spoke Monty as he grabbed Jasper, following Lincoln's footsteps.

Clarke's POV

The hundred lived in simple peace and harmony. Everyone seemed more relaxed, more content. The fear that clouded their minds were washed away, a distant memory for the teenagers.

Clarke held onto her baby bump, rubbing small circles on her bump. She could feel a warm body press against her back, their hand slid to Clarke's baby bump, tracing delicate circles, making her shiver to the touch. Clarke glanced up to see the dark-haired boy smirk down at her, a relaxed look crossed his face.

Clarke felt her cheeks heat up, as her eyes shifted back to the teenagers, who were adding the final touches to the roof of the last cabin. 

Winter had just arrived, making it somewhat difficult for the teenagers to complete their project. People were becoming sick more frequently because of the bristling cold. Clarke did her best to take care of the ill, but Bellamy told her to stay away from them. He was afraid that she would get sick and it would affect the baby.

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