Chapter Seven

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Clarke's POV

There was an emptiness inside of her; a black hole. A feeling of remorse floated in her mind, a sense of loss and heartbreak coursed through her body. Tears uncontrollably cascaded down her cheeks, her eyes were bloodshot red. It was hard to breathe as she sobbed. 

Clarke Griffin was broken.

Out of all the people in the camp, why was Bellamy Blake the person that made Clarke feel this way? The last time she felt like this was when she lost her father.

Did Clarke actually care this much about some sleaze bag? Did she actually care about the guy who was responsible for floating three hundred innocent lives? 

Or was there something more to Clarke's emotions?

Deep down, Clarke knew that there had to be something more to all of these emotions. Instead, Clarke concluded that she was acted irrationally was because of the hormonal changes in her body.

After her meltdown in front of the whole camp, Jasper and Monty escorted her to her tent. Clarke laid in bed as Jasper and Monty calmed the teenage mother down.

"Clarke, we know you have a lot going on right now. Please get some rest," Jasper pleaded as he held a tin can of water for Clarke to drink.

Clarke took the water and chugged it, clearing her dry throat. She laid back down in her bed as she closed her eyes. "He's not coming back. Bellamy will never forgive me for what I've done... He's gone." Clarke sighed loudly as she faced the harsh reality of what was most likely going to happen.

"Clarke, you don't know that," spoke Monty softly as Jasper stood beside him.

"He's gone Monty, don't you see that?" questioned Clarke as her voice cracked, she squeezed her eyes shut, refusing to cry again.

It was quiet for a little while before Jasper spoke up. "Just get some rest okay?"

The two boys quietly left the tent as Clarke rested in bed.


It's been almost two weeks since Bellamy had left camp. As each day passed, a bigger burden rested on Clarke's shoulders, weighing her down. Octavia and Bellamy's absence would constantly run through her mind, but pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, and focused on the remaining hundred.

Clarke slowly got back on her feet, with the help of Finn. After Bellamy left, Clarke hid in her tent for days. Jasper and Monty attempted several times to get her back on her feet, before Finn eventually dragged her out.

*Flashback to a week ago*

"Clarke, it's been days. You're a mess," spoke Finn as he approached Clarke.

"Fuck off Finn, if anything, you're the last person I'd want to talk to," hissed Clarke as he hid under the covers of her makeshift bed.

"I know I did things that-"

"-and that's the reason I don't want you around me" Clarke immediately said as she cut off Finn.

"Hate me all you want, but you need to realize that your not only hurting yourself by acting like this. Everyone's hurting Clarke. This camp is hurting."

Clarke didn't speak, she let the words soak into her head as Finn spoke.

"This camp is in pieces, how do you expect us to survive if no one taking initiative... I- we need you."

Clarke didn't reply and Finn eventually left her tent.

Even though she didn't want to believe what Finn was saying, she knew he was right. The camp needed her. Dwelling in her tent wasn't going to bring back Bellamy or Octavia back. She was hurting everyone around her, and even though she had problems of her own, people were depending on Clarke to survive.

In less than an hour, Clarke stepped out of her tent. She started ordering people around, sending hunting groups out for food, sent a few people out to gather wood, and made people make weapons. Things were starting to fall back into place.


"Clarke, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go" Finn spoke as she gathered her things.

Clarke and Finn weren't friends, at least, that's just how Clarke thought of their relationship. Clarke eventually had to talk to Finn, perhaps not on a personal level, but on a business level. The truth was that she needed to communicate with him, after all, Finn was one of the best trackers among the whole camp. She needed to depend on him and put some faith in him if the hundred wanted to survive.

She told herself that talking to Finn was strictly for the camps survival.

"Last time I checked Finn, you're not my mother."

"Clarke, do I have to remind you that you're carrying a child. Who knows what those twisted Grounders can do." Finn pleaded Clarke as she ignored him.

"I can take care of myself." Clarke walked past him to meet up with her group, waiting near the gate.

At the gate stood Raven and Sterling with their supplies in hand, as Finn followed behind Clarke.

"Miller, open the gate!" called out Raven.

Miller gave Raven a slight nod and pushed the gates open as the four teenagers ventured off into the woods.


I hope you enjoyed that chapter! I'll try to get another chapter by the end of this weekend. 


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