Chapter Eight

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Bellamy's POV

"My sister, my responsibility" mumbled Bellamy as he dashed through the forest, in hopes of finding his sister.

Bellamy only had one idea where his sister could've possibly gone, but as he kept running through the forest, the more confused he became. He could've sworn that Lincoln's cave was west of the camp, he started to doubt himself.

He traveled for a little longer before he realized he started to see familiar surroundings. The way the trees stood, the way the ground looked like a massive hill. This wasn't Lincoln's cave, this was the bunker where Clarke and him had hid during the acid fog.

"Fuck," Bellamy mumbled as he ran his had through his hair, he huffed out in anger.

She was the cause for all of this stress in the first place. The last thing he needed was to think of Clarke, her betrayal, the pain and trouble she inflicted onto Octavia and himself. Bellamy turned back and headed north where Lincoln's cave stood.

After an hour long journey, the sun had barely set. Bellamy finally arrived at Lincoln's cave. He stepped into the dark cave, his footsteps echoed "O?" whispered Bellamy.

No response.

He spoke a little louder, "Octavia?"

No response.

The cave was pitch black, it seemed like no one was home.

Bellamy dug through his backpack and cursed to himself. Why didn't he even bring a torch or some form of back up. Bellamy went outside to see that the sun had set. The moon was already out.

Bellamy went back to the cave in search of any supplies that he could use.

All of a sudden Bellamy felt a shocking pain sear through his head.

He knew he was in trouble.

"Bellamy?" a familiar voice called his name from behind him.

"Clarke?" questioned Bellamy with a puzzled expression on his face. He whirled around to see Clarke jump into his arms.

A feeling of relief washed over him.

"Where did you go? The baby and I missed you so much!"

"The- the what?!"

"The baby!" giggled Clarke cheerfully as she unraveled from her hug. She intertwined her hands with his as she led him to a house of some sort.

Clarke pushed the door open and went into a room with a cage looking thing. Bellamy assumed it was a crib, he learned about it back on The Ark.

"Wells and I missed you so much," she spoke softly as she picked up the baby from the weird looking cage. Clarke cradled Wells in her arms as she gestured for Bellamy to hold him. "Your son wouldn't stop crying, he missed you."

"My son?!" hastily questioned Bellamy, as he stepped back towards the doorway.

"Yeah, your son! Bellamy is something wrong?" Clarke approached Bellamy as she used one of her hands to cup his cheek.

Bellamy's heart skipped a beat.

He looked towards the ground, processing everything that was happening. He was confused, what was going on? Was this the life that the two could possibly have together?

Could life be about more than just surviving?

Bellamy looked up to meet Clarke's gleaming eyes. Bellamy could see the world through her eyes, his world, she was part of his world. He could see happiness, hope, love. He could see love.

But what was love? To Bellamy, it was all a blur. The word "love" seemed to be something meaningless; fake. But as he continued to gaze into her eyes, the more he realized that love was possibly real.

"Nothing's wrong, can I hold uh, Wells?"

Clarke flashed a smile and handed over their baby to him.

The little baby smiled at his father, reaching his tiny hand towards Bellamy.

A smile formed on Bellamy's face, he reached out a finger for his son to grasp. This precious moment reminded him of how he held Octavia when she was born.



"Octavia?!" screeched Bellamy as awoke from his dream. He looked around him to see nothing but darkness. Bellamy tried to move, but he was restrained. Vines were wrapped tightly around his wrists and ankles, he was held prisoner.

"Hello?!" screamed Bellamy, his voice echoed through the room. "Hello?!" Bellamy tried to call out. "If you're going to kill me, might as well get it over with now!" he spat. His voice continued to echo around the room.

He was talking to himself.



This story is moving a little slower than I expected, but trust me, it will be worth it in the end. I just really wanted to write some Bellarke fluff because I haven't wrote much so far in the fan fiction.

So here ya go!

Please comment and vote if you enjoyed this chapter! I'll try to get another chapter out soon, hopefully tonight If I feel like it.


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