Chapter Twenty Two

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Clarke's POV

"I'm coming with you," spoke Bellamy as Clarke gathered her belongings. 

Clarke looked up at him, a pained expression wavered on her face, before quickly calming down. "Bell-"

"No, Clarke. They..." Bellamy shook his head. "What they did to me. I need justice."

"We need someone to take care of the camp, the camp needs you," Clarke whispered as she gently held onto his forearm.

Bellamy grumbled. "The camp is fine without us. We can just put someone else in charge."

Clarke let out a small, sarcastic laugh before giving him a doubtful look, "who? Finn?"

 Bellamy shrugged, "sure, why not? It's not like he's going to massacre a whole village of people."

Clarke sighed, Bellamy did have a point. "Okay, but I'm also putting  Octavia in charge. The two of them can work things out."

Bellamy gave a hopeful nod as he bent down to give her a small kiss on the lips, making her clearly flustered.

The two headed out of the tent, hand in hand with their supplies for their journey. They spotted Octavia and Lincoln, who were chatting near the gates.

"O? Where do you think you're going?" questioned Bellamy, gesturing to the backpack that she held in her hand.

Octavia chuckled, "where do you think, big brother?"

Bellamy shook his head, "no. You're not coming."

Octavia furrowed her brows and scoffed. "Are you serious? Bellamy, last time I checked, you weren't the boss of me."

Bellamy glared, "and last time I checked, these people are to not be messed with. I need you to stay here. It's safer here."

Octavia frowned, "safer than being in your presence?" 

The two siblings argued for a good five minutes before Bellamy gave in to letting Octavia venture with the four of them.

"Hey, where are you guys going?" spoke Finn as he joined the group of teenagers.

"We need to talk to Lexa," replied Lincoln, as he answered Finn's question.

"Uhh, whose Lexa?" Spoke Finn cluelessly.

"We're going to have a truce, with the Grounders." Clarke replied blankly.

"Okay, I'm coming too."

"No," Bellamy and Clarke spoke simultaneously. 

"Look, Finn, we need you to look after the camp," spoke Clarke as she tried to reason with him.

Finn was not having it, "no. I want to help, I can help track and I can-"

"Isn't that what Lincoln's for?" Clarke gestured to Lincoln, who was watching the conversation play out.

"Look, I can be helpful."

"Who are we going to put in charge then?" spoke Bellamy.

"How about Monty and Jasper?" questioned Finn, as he pointed towards the two boys who were chatting near the dropship. 

Bellamy and Clarke exchanged glances, with Bellamy shrugging his shoulders.


Clarke had never felt so tired in her life. She felt like complaining about how her feet ached, how she was hungry or how she wanted Finn to shut up.

"So why do we need a truce? I mean, it's not like the Grounders are attacking us, right?" Asked Finn, as if he was a five-year-old kid.

"We have more things to worry about than the Grounders, Finn" spoke Lincoln as he continued to walk down the trail.

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