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they hadn't discussed what had happened earlier, wooyoung had understood that if san wanted to he would mention it himself, and he hadn't- so the older hadn't pushed on it. wooyoung had only held san till he stopped crying completely, and hand fed him some soup he had made the night before. then, he brought him a warm, wet cloth to clean his face and wipe of the streaks of eyeliner and mascara that trailed down his cheeks, making sure he wasn't pressing too hard. wooyoung left the room once san convinced him he'd be okay, and got dressed for work, a black button up and some grey slacks. when he was done he asked san if he needed to go back to the apartment right away.

san shook his head no, and then fully processed wooyoungs dress attire, he shifted on the couch, "are you going to work? should i leave?"

wooyoung shook his head, leaning against the doorway, "no, no- uhm, i was actually wondering if you wanted to come with me? to the company?" he asked, feeling far more nervous then he was showing.

san tilted his head to the side, a gesture wooyoung found adorable, "you want me to come with you..?"

the blonde nodded, speaking a bit quicker now, to explain himself better, "only if you want! i just- i have to take care of a few things there for a little and the boys will be there so you can finally meet them and-"

"meet them? oh! seonghwa hyung?" san cut him off, sitting up a bit- he smiled.

"well, yea he'd be there but i mean the others too. they wanted me to bring you..." wooyoung nodded slowly, pushing down to the urge to roll his eyes when seonghwa was mentioned. it's not that he was mad at the older or anything, he just felt a little,,,, iffy with how excited san got whenever he was mentioned.

"did they? you spoke about me?" he said, looking down at his lap- hoping the blush on his face wasn't noticeable.

wooyoung hummed, a bit nervous "do you mind?"

san shook his head, looking up again- making eye contact with the other, "it'd be unfair if i did since i talk about you all the time too." it was true, san always found himself mentioning the blonde whenever he could, he often felt like he was annoying everyone at the club with it- though they assured him each time that they weren't annoyed, it made them happy to see san so excited over something- glad that he was smiling as often as he was; they'd never find him annoying for that.

"so do you want to come? if not that's okay, i'll drive you home." wooyoung asked again, pushing off the doorway and moving towards san, he held out his hand for the boy- smiling.

"no, i'll come. i wanna see where you work." he smiled back, taking him hand and getting up.

"great, now let's go,"

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wooyoung was well aware he didn't bring san yesterday as promised, so that's why he was making up for it now instead. they had been driving for a few minutes now, and were not to far from the company building. the car ride was nice, calm- and san couldn't get over how the entire time wooyoung was holding his hand. he looked away from their intertwined fingers and looked out the window, "thank you." he said, softly- and he didn't have to elaborate on what he was talking about, wooyoung knew as soon as the words left his lips.

the older squeezed at his hand softly, eyes focused on the road, "of course san, you don't need to thank me."

"but i do though, it really helped me." he looked at wooyoung again, eyes big and round, shiny.

wooyoung smiled a bit, "i'm glad, i was so worried i'd only make it worse."

"it happens often, the nightmares about my father.... but you made me feel safe again, so- thank you."

"the nightmares.... do they normally make you react that way?" san shifted, and pulled his hand away from wooyoungs- moving to pick at his shorts. before wooyoung could apologize san nodded, "yeah, normally it last longer though... like i said you helped."

wooyoung hummed, it was clear he wanted to ask more about it all, but he didn't want to make the younger uncomfortable. san cleared his throat,

"eun-ji is my older sister. she's twenty-two now. i haven't seen her since i was ten."

wooyoung nodded, he didn't know what he could and couldn't ask, so instead he said, "you don't have to talk about this if you don't want to san."

"no, it's okay. i never get the chance to really anymore, i want you to know at least this much." he said, facing the window again, and he continued when wooyoung hummed, "my father sent her away when she turned fifteen, said she was a good enough age. that's when he turned to me for extra money." that was a lie, his father didn't send her away- it just hurt less for san to think of it that way; she left against her own will- not because she chose to leave san behind.

he paused, and then continued, "this nightmare was from a long time ago, most of my memories from her are from back then. i just miss her that's all."

"san i'm-"

"don't apologize wooyoung, it's nothing you could control. either way hongjoong got me out of there and i have you too now." the younger said, placing his hand back over wooyoungs.

wooyoung smiled, sadly- and he turned into his parking spot,

"we're here."

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hhhhh double chapter besties

are u proud? be proud pls

also just realized it's been like wayyyy to long since i've slipped into any of my spaces so guess what i'm attempting tonight 😏

my dog won't stop barking im incredibly homosexual and i hope u have a good day :)

bye again

~ lix ~

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