| Chapter 1 |

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Authors POV

"I don't give a damn okay.....live or die.... I don't care if you were sick or your family I need the deal done by hook or crook you are dismissed.... god knows which set of stupids I'm handling...... get lost " she yelled in her high pitch voice.

She was none other than Myra Khurana or the Queen of Hell as said by others wearing an all black outfit of black pants , black shirt and a black blazer.

She started taking deep breaths to calm herself. The project lead with his team quietly left the conference room . They knew not to mess with the Queen of Hell . Well that's her name given by people surrounding her. When she finally calmed her anger down . She went to her cabin and started working furiously. Her fingers were almost killing the soul of the keypad. She was in her daze , working hard when she heard the cabin door open. She heard someone say

" Why so angry my doll ? "

She knew no one has the guts to enter her cabin without her permission but her aunt is an exception. She said

" Comeon aunty what do you expect from me after hiring these idiots"

Her aunt had a hearty laugh and sat infront of her. She closed her laptop and gave full attention to her aunt. Her aunt said

" Chill my doll. Why to raise your blood pressure for someone else's mistake ? "

Myra just scoffed and said sarcastically

" You know aunt if anyone hears you calling me doll they will faint because they know this lady can only be Annabelle and not cindrella "

Her aunt said lovingly

" Leave them they don't know you my dear the day someone notices real you anyone will fall for you and marry you "

Myra understood where this conversation was going. Her aunt was behind her for marriage since months. She said

" Aunt I know where this is going but no I wont marry anyone "

Her aunt immediately said

" You have to someday comeon you are turning thirty soon "

" So what aunt I'm happy alone I don't need someone.....now I will meet you afterwards I have work.....you go and take rest." Said Myra and asked her aunt to leave politely.

Her aunt sighted in defeat and left her cabin. She muttered " When will she find her soulmate Jesus ? "

After her aunt left Myra continued her work. Her aunt is the only family Myra beliefs . Her aunt , Jessica. The only person who is family to Myra. There is no blood relation in them but many at time bonds made by heart are more closer than the blood.

Jessica was her nanny since childhood. Myra was raised in an orphanage. Not because she was an orphan , didn't have parents but because her parents didn't want her. Reason is still unknown but now no reason can reduce the amount of hate Myra has in her heart for her parents.

She was 10 when her parents just left her at the orphanage. After that it was Jessica who took care of her. Life in orphanage was tough for Myra. Atleast other kids didn't knew their parents but she knew them. She has spent some unforgettable time with them. She has seen them love her and then suddenly leave her to a orphanage.

Myra was a strong girl . She never fell in defeat in front of any situations. She was a fighter. She fought against all the circumstances. She brought together all the hate and anger for her parents and started the Khurana empires. But while building the empire Myra lost herself. She now no more smiles , no more laughs , no more emotions.

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