| Chapter 8 |

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Authors note at the end is important so do read it. You may enjoy the chapter.

The next day

Myra's POV

Today I'm going to take a courageous decision of my life. I have decided to ask Mr Singh about marrying me. I know this is absurd but I don't have any option. My birthday is day after tomorrow and after that I can't claim the farmhouse either can let that bastard of my uncle claim the farmhouse and ofcourse can't let the land being sealed.

I have already asked Ashwin to give me all details about Mr Singh in the morning


I called Ashwin early morning to tell him some work . He answered the call really late which annoyed me . He said

"What has got into you women ? First you just evaporate my chances of getting laid with my girlfriend and now you are even destroying my beauty sleep......why don't you spare me ? "

" Sure I'll spare you....with your life once I kill you " I said coldly. I just don't like people being friendly to me.

" Very bad joke " he said grumpily

" I don't do jokes anyways I have a very important work for you....you have to find all details about Mr Ritik Singh my assistant.....and you also have to come to Mumbai. Catch the first flight available and reach Mumbai as soon as possible. It's important and personal " I said

" Any problem ? Is something wrong ?" He asked in concern

" Yeah and for that I need you here.....so say bye to your holidays and start working and let me tell you it's confidential another thing is you have to prepare some papers and send them to me via Mr Kamble and I need them in three hours "

" Which papers ? "

" I'll message them "

" Okay I'll be there soon my......"

He was about to say something stupid so I just ended my call. I know he is annoying but a good guy. I soon got all the details about Mr Singh

Flashback ends

I know Ritik is a bad choice not because of the person he is but because he is dangerous for me. As I feel things like never before. I took this decision because he is the only sane person now. He is a good human , understands me in business.....but husband. It's a question. This whole situation is unexpected, new and uncomfortable for me. I never cared about relationships. They are just a distraction but now me jumping into one is a news which is making me uncomfortable. I don't like this feeling.

I decided not to go for my office today. I'll work from home. I thought to call Ritik to my home so that I can talk to him maturely. Okay you can do it Myra. Why am I getting nervous now ? I am not even nervous while ordering Mr Kamble or Ashwin to kill someone nor I was nervous for my first deal.

Because this time you have to talk about relationship and a thing like marriage said my subconsciousness.

I did my daily routine got ready in a all black suit and decided to give him a call. I called him on his office landline because I don't have his number nor I'm interested. It's office time so ofcourse he'll be there. He answered the call and said

" Hello "

" Hmm.... Mr Singh today I won't be there in office so cancel all my meetings and there is something important to discuss so I want you to reach my house as quick as possible....note down the address "

He did not answer for a second I again said , now in a irritated tone "Are you there or did you die ? "

" S.. sorry mam yes I'm there actually you said everything so fast I needed to grasp things and can you dictate your address mam I'll note it down "

" Hmm " I dictated the address and ended the call not waiting for his thank yous.

Talking takes a lot of my energy. I sighed.

After some time

I was working in my study when someone knocked on the door. I said a " come in. " The house help said timidly

" Mam there is someone named Mr Ritik Singh here to meet you "

" Send him in "

Soon I heard another knock and I knew he is here. I asked him to come inside. He entered the study and was looking at everything with curiosity like a kid. I said interpreting his curiousity

" Are you done staring can we talk about work ? "

He seemed embarrassed as his ears and neck turned pink.

He looks....... The sane part of my brain stopped me from continuing further but the insane part still completed the sentence ' Cute '.

He sat infront of my desk , on the chair, opposite to me.

" Mam you called me here ? " He asked

"Yes actually Mr Singh there ....... Like there's some work .......means "

Gosh why am I stammering.

" Mam I can't understand. "

" I'm trying okay " I slightly raised my voice and said grumpily.

" Okay okay try cool " he said immediately. He gave me a horrified look.

Okay here we go. I said

" You have to marry me. We are getting married . "

" What " he literally yelled . I closed my eyes and scrunched my nose in annoyance. I hate people who talk loudly.

" Lower you voice you are in my study " I said coldly.

" Mam I respect you alot but that does not mean I'll tolerate this . You are ordering me to marry you like you are asking me to make a presentation. It's marriage....a huge responsibility. And that too why me .......why you ? How did this marriage erupt so suddenly ? Till yesterday you were cursing me suddenly you think I'm eligible to marry to you. What changed in a night ? " He asked so many questions in a flow. I took a second to grasp all his questions.

" Not that I'm dying to marry you okay I have my personal problems "I replied . I'm getting angry now.

" Whatever the problems are why me ? Mai kya bali ka bakra lag raha hu?" ( Do I look like a scapegoat ? )He again asked the same question.

Okay seems I have to deal with him calmly. During the time I have worked with Mr Singh I understood he is a emotional guy. Time to use his emotions . I smirked mentally.

You have to marry me Mr Ritik Singh. I'll make sure of that. I thought with determination.

To be continued........

Authors note

So I know it's a small update but I had to divide this whole plot into two chapters so the next chapter is drafted. I always update ones a week but as the update is ready I can update it this week only but for that you need to vote and comment. So if you need a early update do vote and comment otherwise the next chapter will be next week.

Now about this update Ik even I'm not liking Myra using Ritik's emotions but do you really think Ritik is so dumb ????? Read the next chapter to know.

Do vote and comment.

So any thoughts how will she convince him to marry her ?


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