| Chapter 4 |

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Ritik's POV

After getting a feeling that I have messed up all on my first day , Priya the girl I was talking to gave me a sympathetic smile and said

" All the best hope to meet you soon."

She sat back on her seat and murmured " He was a good boy " which I heard

Why are everyone behaving as if this is my last day over here. God have I messed up this big that this is my last day in this office ?

No I thought and made a cry baby face.

Okay Ritik face it but I was just having a conversation with my colleagues.

Just shut up and go to the cabin said my subconscious

Myra's POV

I woke up in the morning and was just staring at the ceiling blankly. How can someone be alive and still live a life of dead ? Well I'm living it. Sometimes I think about what aunt said about marriage but who on this earth would be willing to marry me ......the so called Queen of Hell.

I have nothing in me ..... nothing. I'm all empty. I don't feel things anymore. Have no emotions for myself nor for others.

Brushing off my thoughts I started my day with my yoga. I can miss anything but yoga. After doing yoga for 2 hours I went to freshen up.

I got ready in my all black outfit which is a black shirt , black trousers and black blazer. Combed my hair and just left. I never use makeup so no way of taking time. Trust me I'm not some you would have read about in stories or have seen in movies.

There is nothing much beautiful in me.

You see majority of the people in India have dark skin tone and majority of the people do not consider dark skin tone beautiful. Just some shitty crap thinking of the people.

I remember when I was in orphanage a couple had come to adopt a kid. They rejected to adopt kids who have a dark skin tone. I mean don't people consider kids as a gift of god , then how can you discriminate amongst them. Many parents adopted the fair skin tone kids because they felt that they will grow beautiful and many were left behind. I know this sounds shit but it's true. Many still do that.

Many at times when I was nothing and had not built my empire many people in college commented on me saying ' she has good features just a bit dark ' I was like excuse me did I ask for your opinion.
I know my skin tone and I'm proud on who I am.

I learnt one thing looks and all doesn't matter till you have money. It's the sad reality of life. I see few of my classmates who use to taunt me for my looks now come for an interview in my company. Almost all get rejected , let me tell you no hard feelings just their merits are not great. Because rather then taunting if only they focused on their studies they would have got an opportunity to work in my company.

Their bad.

Brushing away all my thoughts I headed towards my office . As soon as I entered everyone wished me which I ignored. I don't have free time to reply everyone. I was in my cabin doing my work when I heard some commotion outside. I went outside and saw some 6'2 man , whose back was facing me chatting with Miss Priya.

Who gave them rights to chit chat in my office. I pay them to work and not to chit chat. I yelled in my cold voice

" What the hell is happening hear ?"

The 6'2 man turned towards me and I saw his face. He was quite a handsome man but I maintained my emotionless face.

I saw his eyes keenly and I remembered he is the same guy or I can say same middle class crap who dared to teach me his so called values. So this is his face.

Married to the Queen Of Hell Where stories live. Discover now