| Chapter 9 |

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Myra's POV

He was asking me many questions and was now getting on my nerves. Play calm Myra . I repeated to myself. I said softly

" Mr Singh let me explain you the whole problem. Actually my father named a farmhouse after me but my uncle wants to claim the place. I cannot claim it unless I'm married before I turn thirty. I'll be thirty day after tomorrow and I have to get married before that so I can claim my farmhouse. It's the last memory of my parents to me and I can't lose it . "

His expressions softened. Such an emotional fool. One of the reasons I don't like being emotional. I am good being all rude , egoistic,arrogant. Emotions make you a fool. I knew my story and the soft voice will surely work on him . He said

" It's understood mam but that does not mean I'll marry you . It's your family problem solve it on your own."

The nerve of this guy. I again said , now leaving my soft tone behind

" Do you think I did not think about it ? Listen even if I offer money to my uncle he won't back off. He is planning something big. "

" Listen you don't want your uncle to have that land right ? " He asked and I nodded in agreement.

" Then leave it. If you'll not get it even he'll not get it. " He said . What part of my previous sentences did he not understand ?

" Listen the government will seal the land which will lead to no one getting the land. And I want it......please understand it's the only place where I have happy memories with my parents. " I said showing my vulnerability. This time I did not act.

" Mam but why me ? I know you might be thinking he is an emotional guy let's use him but let me tell you I'm emotional not dumb. " He said giving me a pointed look.

I still had my famous no-emotion face . So he knows......okay time to change our cards. I said

" Why do you think I take you as dumb ? First thing first I don't hier dumb people. You are working in my company as my assistant shows that you are smart. "

Well whatever I said is true . He is smart in his work.

" Listen I think you will be the perfect one to marry. You understand me in business , are a good person and you like to help people. You even helped my driver and that Miss Priya with her job risking yours. You can help me too I'm your boss." I said

" Madam I help people genuinely not after looking at their status and whoever I help are good people. " He said .

Now this annoyed me. What does he mean I'm not a good person ? You know better said my subconsciousness.

" Listen if you want you can get whatever amount you want for marrying me . Infact this can be a marriage of convenience. We can divorce after six months saying things are not working. "

He banged his fist on the table. He looked really angry. Huhh not that I care but I did get startled for a second.

" Myra understand marriage is not a joke. It can be a deal for you but not for me. I want to get married to my love. I want to have a grand wedding. Marriage is a sacred bond and you can't disrespect it. I was thinking about marrying you but after knowing what you think about marriage. I'm not marrying you. You can suspend me from the job. "

This is the second time he has called me Myra and whenever he does that something happens to me. My name sounds beautiful. Back to reality Myra. I reminded myself.

He will never be ready to marry on my conditions. What should I do now ? He was about to leave my study. No I can't let this happen. What about my plan ? My farmhouse ? Without thinking anything I said something which I might regret latter. I said

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