| Chapter 15 |

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Continued from the last chapter.....

Myra's POV

I was getting anxious by each passing second. I was driving, breaking all the rules. I have to reach home quick. After that call Ritik did not even answer my calls. If anything happens to him or the Singh's no one safe that Mr D from me. I parked my car roughly and reach for the lift. The time when the lift was moving upwards felt like years to me. In no time I was infront of my home and was furiously banging the door. In a second the door opened revealing Ritik. He is safe and sound. Thank God. I somehow resisted the deep urge to hug him. I can't feel like this. I need to clear my mind . I questioned him panting hard

"Why did you call me so early ? What's the problem ? Is everyone okay ? "

I saw aunty coming out of her room she said "Beta you came . Good . Now go and freshen up and I'll tell you the reason on my own. "

Noticing that it seemed nothing serious I went to my room , not before passing a murderous glare at Ritik. He'll pay for this , for sure. I freshened up and changed into my casuals. The frowns were still gracing my forehead. I went to the living room. I noticed all three standing infront of the dinning table with Ritik standing in the centre. Aunty and Ritik were happy while uncle had an uninterested look.

For a moment we all were just standing there in an awkward silence with the sound of crickets and ticking of clock. Aunt and Ritik saw the clock and after few seconds yelled Happy Birthday Myra while uncle murmured a small 'Happy Birthday.'

They all moved aside and I saw a home baked cake was on the table with candles lit.

I was too stunned to react anything. I almost forgot I had a birthday. Well I never celebrate my birthdays. In the orphanage aunt use to bug me about celebrating it but I never wished for it. My last birthday was celebrated with my parents. Flashes of my parents came back to me and a lump formed in my throat. I heard aunty say

"In our family it's our way to celebrate birthdays . We never order the cake from outside. We always bake the cake all by ourselves which shows the love and affection we have for each other. Ritik told me it's your birthday and now that you are our family it had to be special. It was your first birthday with us. I hope you like it. This is our way of welcoming you in our family. "

I processed whatever she said to me. Family. A thing I never had. It took me a second to grasp that all these preparations are for me. They all baked a special cake just for me. As my silence was prevailing for long aunty asked hesitatingly "Did you not like it ? "

I quickly hugged her. She hugged me back with her motherly warmth . I said in a low voice "Thank you. No one has ever done this for me . "

She said "Let past be past . We can't change what happened but we surely can change what will happen. Now come lets cut the cake. "

I came out of the hug and said " thank you all. " with a very tiny smile.

All passed me a smile other than Mr Singh. I cut the cake while Ritik and aunty sing the happy birthday song for me as if I'm a kid. But I liked it as it went years it happened. I fed the cake to aunty then to Ritik . I was going to feed it to Mr Singh but he just left to his room. Aunty said

"Don't mind him. He is a tough nut to crack. "

Well I actually didn't mind him. He just knows what kind of a person I am. We had our dinner in peace and soon left to our rooms.

Ritik's POV

Today as it was her birthday I wanted to celebrate it. I wanted her to know that my family and I accept her wholeheartedly. When I was busy with my double work I messaged my mother about my plan. She being the kindest lady ever agreed to help me . I tried my best to complete my work before the office time so that I can go home and do the arrangements. I had to bake a cake for her. As it was her first birthday with me I wanted to bake the cake all by myself. I just messaged my mother to bring all the important stuffs.

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