| Chapter 5 |

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Myra's POV

I too entered the elevator. Ritik did see me but chose to ignore. He was ignoring me as if I didn't exist.

God knows what came into me that I followed him. There is no way I'll be saying sorry or something because sorry is not there in my dictionary. As I have said my ego is too high to say sorry. But I have to say something but what ? And why ?

I was opening and closing my mouth as a fish. Should I really say something ? I think yes but what ? I'm not able to form words.

First of all why the fuck did I even come here in the first place ?

Remember his sad face said my subconsciousness

I was in my thoughts when I felt the elevator stop absurdly. The lights went off and the door was not opening. I quickly pressed the emergency button. The elevator was stuck between the third and the second floor. I called the security room with the phone in the elevator. Someone recieved the call I yelled

" Are you bloody out of your senses you idiot people ? Can't you see that the lift is stuck god dammit ..... listen I'm stuck in this lift you better get this shit repaired..... I'm paying you guys to work"

The other person said in a terrified voice " so....s... sorry mam we'll fix this problem in half an hour "

" Make it quick okay "

I ended the call , not before cursing the hell with them.

I switched on the torch in my phone. I turned around and saw Ritik. He started sweating badly. Maybe because of no ventilation. I was infront of him thinking what to speak when I saw him shivering. I asked him

" Are you okay ? "

He did not reply just took his handkerchief and started wiping his sweat.

How dare he insult me by not answering me ? I said in a deep voice

" Reply when I ask you something "

He again didn't reply. He was still shivering and sweating. His hands started trembling. Why do I think he is having a panic attack. Is he claustrophobic ?

I held him by his shoulders with my free hand and made him look at me by holding his chin , somehow adjusting the phone in my hand. He is slightly taller than me. I looked up to see him. I asked, this time softly

" Are you claustrophobic ? "

He didn't say anything just nodded, trembling.

He took steps backward, soon his back touched the mirror of the elevator. He was now taking deep breaths . He was facing difficulty in breathing. Fucking shit I don't know how to handle a claustrophobic god what do I do now ?

I saw his eyelids dropping. No way , he can't lose his senses now. He could not stand so he sat now with the support of the mirror. He was close to losing his senses.

I went near him , knelt down to his height, kept my phone upside down so that I can get some light,held his face in my palms and said

" Look at me " I made him look at me , looked into his eyes and said softly "please don't give up I have asked the security they will soon repair this.... don't close your eyes.... please fight with your phobia , please "

If anyone who knows me heard me saying please they would have died. I don't know why but I was begging this man who is my P.A or I can say was.

I didn't know how but tears started gathering in my eyes , looking at him struggling to breathe. It felt like he is fighting for his life . It's been a long time I actually cried. He said , struggling with his breath " I'll try. "

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