| Chapter 12 |

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Author's POV

Mr Rakesh Singh ( Ritik's father ) opened his door to check who is banging so furiously. Cheeku too came out,  wagging his small tail , barking a little. Hearing the commotion in the living room Mrs Manvi Singh ( Ritik's mother ) came in the living room , from the kitchen wiping her hands from the napkin and said

" Just check Rakesh who's banging so furiously. "

Mrs Singh stood near her husband as he went to open the door . Mr Singh opened the door and the scene shocked the old couple. They saw their only , dear son in a kurta with garland in his hand and a girl who was wearing a mangalsutra, vermillion in her hair partition, the same garland like their son in her hand. It didn't take a genius to guess they got married. The old couple was rooted to their spot. Cheeku went near Ritik's leg , he was creasing his leg by his head. Mr Singh came towards Ritik and slapped him hard on his left cheek. The sound echoed for a second. Myra didn't expect this. Cheeku quickly went inside leaving Ritik. The dog was smart enough not to disturb anyone now.

Mrs Singh went near a sofa , present in the living room and sat down with a thud. She could not process the new found information. This morning her son , who never kept a secret was going to his office normally and suddenly he comes back getting married.

Mr Singh held Ritik by his collar and dragged him in. Myra too followed them behind after slightly pushing the door to get close. She said politely " Sir listen once to him "

" Don't teach me how to behave with my son." Mr Singh growled angrily. He again gave a tight slap to Ritik on his right cheek. Ritik's head was hung low. Mrs Singh came and inbetween and said

" What are you doing Rakesh ? He is our son atleast listen to him once." 

" Only if he considered us his parents Manvi . Are you understanding what has this son of ours done ? He got married." He said angrily.

Manvi knew her husband is correct. She made him sit on the sofa and gave him a glass of water . She said " I understand Rakesh have some patience first. Drink this water ."

Rakesh was drinking water when she turned to her son and said

" Beta did we fail to give you a environment where you can share thing's with us ? You always shared things with us , with me . Did we fail as parents that you took such a huge responsibility and didn't even think to inform us ?  Do you think we would have not supported your relationship ? " She started crying with each sentence she said.

Ritik's heart pained to see his mother cry. He knew he had disappoint them. He said , hugging his mother

" Maa you know right I love you and it hurts to see you cry. Don't cry please."

" You made me cry Ritik " said his mother. She pushed her son behind and sat near her husband who was just taking deep breaths to calm him down. He would kill his own son and then need another criminal lawyer to fight his case. Ritik sat infront of his parents and said or literally begged

" Maa , Papa let me atleast tell you what happened ? Please. "

Myra was standing far from the family. She thought of these consequences but never knew it would be this deep. She now has to be ready as Ritik is going to start their cooked up story.

He said , holding his parents palms. "Maa Papa actually me and Myra were in a relationship since two months. We both love each other . Actually Myra's aunt who is her only family is orthodox. She didn't want her to marry her niece first because of our age gap and second because I'm middle class. She was going to marry Myra off to some man of her choice but this conversation was heard by Myra so she called me and we decided to get married " He said all these things with so much conviction that it felt true.

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