| Chapter 2 |

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Ritik's POV

" Ritik wake up son you have a interview today " I heard my mom yell at me . I felt cheeku near my leg. I slowly woke up and pulled cheeku to me. I hugged him close to me and said in my morning voice

" Mom even woke you up right.....I can understand this pain of waking up in the morning in a chill weather.....it hurts but what to do getting a job is important and today I have a interview.....hope it goes good cheeku . "

Cheeku started licking all over my face wishing me luck.

" Thank you for your wishes cheeku."

I played with him for sometime. Sorry I forgot to introduce cheeku....cheeku is my pet. He is a cute puppy who is just 3 month.

Actually when I went to market for grocery shopping I found few boys bullying him. Like how can you bully an animal. They are so pure hearted. I mean let's be honest we all know humans many at time suck and then there are animals who are best everytime. No hatred for humans but I love animals more than anyone. Cheeku was making painful sounds. I rescued him from the boys and searched for his mother nearby after not finding any dog who is familiar with him I brought him with me and named him cheeku . Don't ask me why..... this was the first name that came to my mind after seeing him and I also found it cute so yes from then cheeku and I are siblings.

After freshening up I went to have my breakfast. I saw dad and mom eating breakfast and talking about their work. I wished them good morning and had my breakfast. My parents wished me luck for my interview.

My father Mr Rakesh Singh is a well known criminal lawyer of Mumbai and my mother Mrs Manvi Singh is a chartered accountant.

Today I'm going for an interview in a very big company..... Khurana empires. I have heard getting selected over there is tough. I just hope I do it well and get a job. I just can't stay unemployed anymore.

I and my friend Aman were going for an interview together. We both wore our raincoats as it's July and Mumbai rains can get really bad. Trust me on this . We sat on his bike . We were on his bike when I saw a aged man trying to change a tyre in rain. He was getting drenched in rain. If he continues he may fall ill . I said

" Bro stop the bike "

" Have you gone crazy ? " He said or I can say yelled

" Bro listen to me and stop the bike now . " I said

He stopped the bike and I went to the man. He told me his problem. I was going to help him when Aman said

" Why the hell are you helping him man we have an interview to attend....if we don't reach on time then we'll lose it comeon job is more important than helping someone we don't know "

Well he is right the job is important but how can you just leave a aged man in rain all alone to fix the tyre. So I said

" Interviews are gonna come and go but we have to help him ......you know when you help someone...... someone in future helps you.....that is what my mother has taught me "

Whatever I said I feel it's true because I think karma always finds you back. You know right 'what goes around comes around. '

" That's a crap and interviews don't come and go and I'm leaving you go helping unknown people " saying so Aman left......with his bike. Now who will drop me . I made a whining face in my mind .

I helped the man . After the work was done he said

" Thank you sir for helping me if I would have been late mam would have killed me she wants to reach the meeting on time "

" She is inside and didn't even help you? And why will she yell can she see you are an old man , working ??"

" She is like this sir anyways thanks for your help. " The man went and sat on his seat.

I slowly knocked on the window of his so called mam . The lady inside rolled down the window to her eye level. I too bend to her eye level.

Ufff that honey brown eyes. Her eyes had the most common colour, brown but they still had something that pulled me to her. Even though it was a common eye colour her eyes could hold the galaxy in them .

I'm a heartcore reader . Poetic lines just flow in my mind . Ignore them if you don't like them.

Coming out of my thoughts I said politely

" Mam hope next time you too help your driver I can understand you would be busy but this man was standing in this heavy rain fixing the tyre while you were just sitting inside comfortably. "

Her eyes suddenly blazed in anger . She said in a very cold , spine chilling voice

" You have no right to tell me anything you don't know me okay so just stay away and next time don't you dare cross paths with me ...... middle-class people like you have all the time in the world to go around helping but not someone like me "

She actioned me get lost with her two fingers and left .

What the hell was that ? I was wrong there are no emotions hid in those honey brown orbs she is just arrogant and rude.

In all this mess I forgot I'm having an interview to attend. Mummy I just hope I get this job. I don't want to be rejected over here too. I quickly took and auto and left to the company.

I was late for the interview but not that late so they let me give my interview. I answered the questions pretty well. Hope I get this job and did I tell you for which post am I interviewing. Well for the post of Personal Assistant of the CEO.

But I have heard that the CEO is called as the queen of hell I have never seen her but if I get a job I would surely like to see this Queen.......of hell I mean.

But no one can be more bad than that Miss arrogant whom I encountered this morning. They gave this title to the wrong person they should have met Miss arrogant then they would have given this title to her.

Within my thoughts I left the company hoping to get a positive reply from here.


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