The Boss' Fiancé

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You, Mei-rin, and Finnian were all cleaning up after quite the long shift. Ciel's aunt, Madame Red, had come by with friends to see her nephew and have a day on the town. It had been quite the large party, and Ciel had been stressed because of it.

"Honestly, she could at least let me know before she barges in here..." Ciel grumbled as he began to walk back upstairs to his office. But before he could...

"Ciel!" A girl exclaimed from the main entrance. A blur of blonde and pink rushed by you and before you knew it, Ciel had been tackled by a girl in a frilly pink dress. Her bright blonde hair was done up in two spirals and her green eyes shimmered.

Ciel nearly toppled over as she squeezed him tight, "Elizabeth!" He exlaimed in shock, holding onto the hand rail to keep himself upright.

"Oh, I've missed you so much! I had meant to come by yesterday but I was so incredibly busy that I completely forgot!" The blonde girl, Elizabeth, rambled on as she nuzzled her face into Ciel's chest.

You came down from your initial confusion and shock just in time to ask Baldroy, "Uhm... who is that, exactly?"

"That's Lady Elizabeth." Bard said, rubbing the back of his head.

"She's the young master's fiance, she is!" Mei-rin added matter of factly.

"Fiancé?" You furrowed your brows. Was this kid twelve or not?! "Uh... how old exactly is Ciel...?"

"The young master prefers to keep his personal information private." Came Sebastian's voice from behind you.

You nearly jumped out of your skin as you whipped around to look up at him, "Sweet cinnamon, where did you come from?!"

Sebastian chuckled before placing a hand on his chest, "Why, I've been here the whole time."

Your eye twitched as you looked up at him. Like hell he has! You hadn't seen him all day, why was he here all of a sudden?! Before you could get your array of questions out, Elizabeth had approached you. "Oh, you're new here!" She reached up and pat your head, "Oo, you're so adorable! It's wonderful to meet you!"

You flinched as she stood up on her tip toes to reach your head. You force an awkward smile, "It's nice to meet you too, ma'am..."

"Don't be so formal! Elizabeth is just fine!" She said, moving back from you. She placed her gloved hands on her hips and looked around, "Hm, a bit drab in here." She turned to look up at Ciel, who was still clearly in shock that she was here, "Ciel, haven't I told you! Nobody will show up if you keep it all depressing! This is a café, it should be all cute and cozy."

Ciel shook off his surprised look, "Elizabeth, you should've let me know you were coming." He seemed like his usual annoyed self, but he was clearly holding back a bit.

"But I wanted to surprise you! Besides, I thought I explained that I wanted to come by and redecorate." Elizabeth rushed to the door where a large trunk was sat, a panting maid leaning against it.

"I-I managed to bring it inside, my lady..." said the maid, bits of her long brown hair sticking to her forehead.

"Thank you, Paula!" Elizabeth said before starting to dig through the trunk. "I've brought all sorts of cute things to spritz up the place. Oh, and new uniforms for the employees!"

"Y-You really don't have to-" Ciel began, but Elizabeth had already began decorating. Ciel groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, "At least we're closed..." he said under his breath.


"No, (Name), you have to hold your pinky out like this!" Elizabeth said as she held up the teacup, sticking her pinky out.

"Sorry, it's just been a while since I've done this." You said with an awkward smile, holding out your pink. Baldroy, Mei-rin, Finny, and Tanaka were all sat around you, dressed up in pink bows and bonnets. You, of course, had had your own frilly pink bonnet forced upon your head.

Sebastian came downstairs, a tea tray in hand, "My lady, I have prepared the snacks you requested."

Elizabeth looked up at him with a bright smile, "Thank you, Sebastian!" She furrowed her brows and looked around, "Where's Ciel?"

"The young master had some business to attend to. He will be unable to make it to the tea party." Sebastian explained.

"Oh..." Elizabeth said, unable to hide her disappointment.

You couldn't help but feel bad for the girl. Sure, she was eccentric and basically the complete opposite of Ciel, but it was clear she really loved him. You cleared your throat and smiled at her. Elizabeth looked up at you with a small pout.

"When a girl in my neighborhood would have tea parties with me she'd make up games." You say, setting your tea cup down, "Are there any games you'd like to play."

Elizabeth's eyes lit up, "Yes! I know a lot of games!" She took your hand and pulled you onto your feet, "Let's all play games together!"

You semi-regretted the chaos you might've just started, but it felt nice seeing Lizzie smile. You looked up at Sebastian, "You wanna join us?"

Sebastian breathed a laugh, smiling down at you, "As fun as it sounds, the young master would be upset if I were to ignore my duties for games."

You shrugged before looking down at Elizabeth, "What did you have in mind?"


You groaned as you leaned against a table. Elizabeth had just left, leaving you and everyone else exhausted.

"She has so much energy..." you said as you sink to the floor.

"Always has..." said Bard, wiping his brow.

Mei-rin sighed as she layed her head down on a table, "Well, a' least we was able to cheer 'er up."

Finny nodded in agreement, giving everyone a smile. Tanaka gave his usual santa-like laugh and sipped his tea.

"Well, you all look tired." Sebastian said as he walked downstairs, "Maybe this will replenish your energy." Then, he was setting down a key lime pie with one slice gone, "The young master lost his appetite. As a reward for keeping Lady Elizabeth occupied, you may all have the rest."

Everyone shot up in place. You felt your mouth water at the sight, "You're serious?!" You exclaimed, looking up at the tall butler.

"Of course. Have your fill."

Everyone immediately grabbed a plate and began eating. You felt your energy replenish as you took your first bite of the pie, letting out a satisfied sigh at the taste. Sebastian was one hell of a cook!

Once you were all finished you lounged in the kitchen, having already cleaned off the dishes you used.

"Where did Sebastian learn to cook like that?" You asked, mostly to yourself as you pulled on your coat.

"Right? Absolutely incredible!" Finny responded.

"If I couldn't make a simple pie, what kind of butler would I be?" Came the god of cooking himself.

You jumped, "Jesus- can you stop teleporting everywhere?!"



I feel like this chapter was a bit shorter than usual lol. At least I'm trying! Remember to tell me your thoughts.

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