Chapter 10

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Reena woke up. Her whole body was aching and her throat felt very dry. She reached over to grab the cup of water on the bed side table when she felt a painful tug to her arm. She winced turning her head to her arm which was hooked to an glucose drip. Panic struck through her and she ripped the IV out of her arm. This alerted the maids that were waiting outside her room. Mallama hesitantly walked in, plate in hand, and approached Reena. 

"Akka...anna asked us to bring you some food since you passed out"

Mallama said placing the food on the table. Reena glanced at the food, her appetite seemingly disappearing. 

"I don't want any food, and tell your Anna to leave me the hell alone" she bitterly replied startling the poor maid. 

"Please akka, your body is weak. At least eat for your health's sake" she begged fearing the consequences if Reena didn't eat. 

She gave up, her burning stomach began to ache at the lack of food. Reena grabbed the plate from the table and began to eat in silence. Mallama left giving her some privacy and made her way towards Rocky's office. 

She felt anxious as Rocky was very particular about who could come to his office and she was certainly not one. With shaking hands she knocked on the door. 

"Who is it" a voice behind the door called out. 

"Umm its me Mallama, Reena Akka's maid" she replied. 

After a few seconds the door opened to reveal Rocky.

 "What is it" he asked, monotoned. 

"I just wanted to inform you that Reena Akka has had her food" to which he just nodded and closed the door.  

Reena sat in her bed, curled up staring at the ceiling. She was thinking about how much her life changed within the last 24 hours. 24 hours ago, she was in her house day dreaming about her prince charming, praying for his well being and whilst helping her dad plan against the Sultan of KGF, but now she was captured by the Sultan, finding out he is her prince charming and now resenting him with her whole heart. 

What a whirlwind of emotions, I know right.  

Before she knew it she was engulfed by sleep. The mansion had now grown quiet. The early hours of the night loomed over Rocky as he made his way out of his office. His hair was slightly messy, shirt buttoned down showing of his chest, sleeves rolled up. He looked agitated, tense. He made his way to his room which was right opposite Reena's. 

He paused for a moment outside her door, contemplating whether to go in or not. He decided to push his feeling aside and made his way to his own room slamming the door. He hopped into the shower, attempting to drown away this feeling of uneasiness and guilt that clouded his heart, but he failed. Rocky wasn't someone who had a good relationship with sleep either so he just sat in bed, thinking about her. 

He never wanted things to turn out this way, to hurt her like this. But this was just the consequences of his actions. He promised himself that he would give her, her respected space and not disturb her until she was ready to listen, but after being away from her for so long and finally having her a room away and ignoring her was biting at his heart. 

He decided enough was enough and creeped towards her room, surprised to find it unlocked. Rocky slowly pushed open the door to reveal her beautiful figure sleeping peacefully in bed. The moonlight danced on her skin making her look like an angel. Rocky carefully settled besides her on the floor, admiring her. He felt his heart relaxing a little as he watched her. He reckoned it wouldn't hurt if her just saw her without her knowing.

Not in a weird way, right? of course not this is Rocky we are talking about.  

As the first rays of sunlight began to enter her room, he made his way back to his room to avoid her seeing him when she woke up. 

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