Chapter 46

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A few days passed and Rocky and Reena had finished their Maldives trip in a blast. As predicted, Reena of course said yes and has been on cloud nine ever since. She cant stop admiring the gorgeous diamond ring Rocky got her and hasn't missed a moment to tell him how much she loves it and how much she loves him.

They bid everyone good bye and made their way to their flight home. Once they arrived to India they stopped by at her mother's temple to tell them the news. Rocky and Reena walked in hand in hand smiling as she skipped over to her mother and fathers picture.

"Hi amma, Appa. I'm so happy today. Rocky took me to Maldives. Can you believe it, it was always my dream. I always used to tell you Appa and now i finally went. And the best part is that Rocky proposed. I'm getting married. I cant believe it. I'm so happy. I hope both your blessings are with us. I love you both so much" she said and returned back to Rocky who was sitting on the bench, smiling lightly at her.

She joined her hands with his and walked out. As they were walking Rocky turned his head back and smiled at the two pictures.

"Ill take good care of her. I promise" he whispered to himself and walked out.

They drove off to KGF and once they reached the gates, a crowd of people were swarming the entrance, awaiting their arrival. Rocky and Reena got out and stood by the entrance of the mansion. Rocky pulled Reena closer to him, his hand never leaving her waist.

"Everyone i have an announcement. Reena and i are engaged. And we will be getting married next week here in KGF" he said with a smile and everyone cheered.

Reena couldn't help the big smile that took over her face as she leaned over and pecked Rocky's cheek. Chacha was very happy to here that his son was getting married and gave them both his blessing.

"Chacha where is Abhi? I still have to tell him the news" Rocky asked.

"He should be in his room Beta. You go see him and come" Chacha said and Rocky and Reena made their way up.

Rocky without thinking opened the door to reveal Abhi in the middle of sharing a kiss with Vaishnavi. Reena screamed in horror, hiding her face in Rocky's chest who just chuckled. The noise caused the 2 of them to pull apart and stare at Rocky and Reena like deer's in a headlight. Rocky quickly closed the door, excusing themselves.

"Reena calm down" Rocky laughed trying to hold her face but she just aggressively shook her head.

"I cant. Burn my eyes now please. She's my little baby and she's is kissing. My god" Reena exaggerated.

"She is 24 and what are you, your 26. I kissed you when you were 24. Not a big deal" Rocky said and just then they both walked out of the room. There faces were red in embarrassment. Abhi awkwardly scratched the back of his head, staring a his feet.

"Hi, when did you guys get back?" Vaishnavi was the first one to break the awkward silence.

"Hmm, just now. But looks like you were too busy to notice" Reena teased trying to hold back her laugh.

"Well we're sorry for disturbing you guys, but we have an announcement" Rocky said and Abhi looked up furrowing his brows.

Rocky looked at Reena, signalling her to spill the news but she shook her head, telling Rocky to say it instead. They went back and forth until Abhi stopped them.

"Can one of you just tell us what happened?" he asked annoyed.

"We're engaged" Rocky and Reena said together with a smile and he immediately pulled Rocky in for a hug. He congratulated them both and Vaishnavi hugged Reena.

"Omg i cant believe you actually did it Rocky" Vaishnavi said to him and Reena looked at her in shock.

"Wait you knew" Reena asked and she nodded.

"Of course. Who do you think told him about Maldives being your dream holiday" Vaishnavi said and Reena jumped into her friends arms.

"Anyways so when is the wedding" Abhi asked.

"Next week" Reena said with a smile.

The next few days flowed past in a breeze. Getting the decorations, sending out invitations. Rocky and Reena were very busy, stuck in the chaos that they barely had any time for each other the last few days.

But today was wedding dress shopping. Rocky begged Reena to join so they can have some time alone. They had a total of 3 events that they needed clothes for. The mehndi, haldi and the wedding .

Rocky and Reena drove to the mall and Rocky trailed behind Reena who was busy running around trying to find the best shops. They finally settled on a designer saree shop. Reena was having trouble deciding what saree to pick whereas Rocky knew exactly what he wanted as soon as he walked in.

"Babe can you help me choose. i dont know which one to get" Reena complained and Rocky hovered behind her, scanning all the saree that were spread across the table.

"Mhh i think this one will look really nice love" he said pointing to a red and gold saree.

"Very good choice sir. This is a gold thread saree. One of the best we have. But its very, very expensive as its made with real gold. Are you sure its in your budget" the salesmen asked questionably.

Rocky smirked at the man who looked at him confused. He really doesn't know he talked about affording gold to the man who is literally the king of the land of gold. Reena looked up at Rocky and smirked too knowing something is ticking off in his head.

"Well you only get married once. So we will take it. Anything to make my girl happy" he said and the salesmen nodded, packing up the saree for them. they all walked over to the counter to pay and the man asked what the name on the bill should be.


The man froze in his tracks staring at Rocky then at Reena and back at Rocky. The colour drained from his face as he gulped. Reena tried her hardest not to laugh as she hid her face in Rocky's shoulder.

"Rocky as in" Rocky nodded, glaring at the man who lowered his head in shame and fear.

"I'm so sorry sir. I didn't mean what i said. I just, i apologise. Please dont hurt me" the man pleaded joining his hands. Rocky took the bag from his hands and leaned over the counter whispering in his ear.

"Your really lucky my fiancée is here or else" he said and moved away with his hands entangled with Reena as they walked to the next shop.

They got their matching haldi and mehndi outfits. They returned home after their busy day and both made there way to their rooms.

"Excited for tomorrow" she beamed at Rocky who smiled.

"I'm excited to spend any day with you" he said caressing her cheek.

She leaned into his touch and smiled. He pecked her forehead. Tomorrow was the start of the wedding events. Tomorrow was the mehndi and then the haldi and finally in 2 days was the wedding.

Only 2 days till the two lovers will be tied together for life.

hey guys how was this chapter. hope you all like it. dont forget to vote and comment please. till next time...

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