Chapter 26

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Reena's POV

I haven't spoken to Rocky nor left my room in the last 2 days. He has got every security guard out on duty outside my door to the point where i cant even leave to get fresh air. If i want food, one of the maids will bring it to my room. But this wasn't anything i wasn't used to already. All my life i have been watched by guards. It started all because of the accident. 

I was 5 years old and my mum, dad and i were at a market. It was the day after my birthday and i begged my dad to take me so i could buy some new toys. I was with my mum buying a new doll when all of a sudden chaos broke. My dad's enemies had found him here and planned an attack. Bullets were flying everywhere. I had gotten separated from my mother during the chaos and one of the men found me. They were about to shoot but my mother ran in and grabbed me. 

I instinctively ran too my dad as soon as my feet hit the ground but as soon as i looked back i saw my mother clutching her stomach bleeding all over the floor. My dad shot the remaining men and i ran to my mother. I sobbed next to her weak body and my dad and i rushed her to the hospital. The sterile white corridors seemed to close in on me as we anxiously waited for any news on my mother's health. After a few long hours the surgeon emerged from the theatre with an indescribable look on his face. 

"I'm so sorry Mr Desai but we couldn't save your wife nor the baby" the doctor said and i saw my dad fall to his knees in the hospital trying his best not to have an absolute melt down in front of me. 

My mother was 7 months pregnant with my little sister. I was so excited when my parents told me the news of me getting a sibling but i guess that wish was left unfulfilled. Since then my dad has had his guards patrolling my every move. They followed me about in school, around the house, to my friends houses, to university, to work. Everywhere. I miss my dad. He was my hero and now he is gone all because of that monster. 

I was starting to feel suffocated in this room. Bored out of my mind. I banged on the oak wood door for the fiftieth time today. 

"Open the fucking door please. I need to leave" i screamed but like always i was met with silence.

I began to feel insane. I paced around my room trying to come up with any plan to get out of here. Rocky had disabled my land line as well so i couldn't even call anybody. I ripped out a page from one of the books i was reading and began writing a note on it. I folded up the note and knocked on the door again. 

"I'm hungry could you bring me some food" i said and was still met with silence but i heard a set of footsteps descend down the stairs. After a few minutes there was a knock on my door and it slowly opened revealing Mallama with a steamy hot plate of food and some water. 

"Here you go" she said and placed the food on my bed side table. 

I grabbed her arm stopping her before she could walk out. She turned and faced me startled. I slowly closed the door behind us and slipped the note into her hand. 

"I really need some important stuff from my house. Could you give this to Vaishnavi so she can get them for me. Please Mallama, you have to do this for me" i begged. 

She looked at me and shook her head. 

"I cant, ill get in trouble if sir finds out" she said and i felt tears welling up in my eyes. 

"Please, you don't have to tell Rocky, he doesn't have to know. You have to help me Mallama" i cried and she sighed helplessly. 

"Fine but i cant get in trouble for this" she said and i leaped giving her a bone crushing hug. 

"Thank you thank you thank you... you have no idea how much this helps me" i mumbled. 

She weakly smiled and slipped the note into her saree and walked out. The note had my escape plan on it. 

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