Chapter 40

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The wedding day....

Reena nervously bounced her leg up and down as the group of makeup artist and hairstylist were getting her ready for her big day. She couldn't help but feel a pit in her stomach growing deeper and deeper to the point where she felt nauseous. When people asked she would blame it on pre wedding nerves but only she knew the true reason why. 

She could see from her window, the crowd of guest begin to trickle inside the hall. The ladies giggled and laughed as they did her makeup. Reena just meekly smiled as she tried to disguise her anxiousness. Only a few hours left until she was officially married. Despite the makeup they applied, they still couldn't disguise the dullness in her face. They filled her hair with flowers and decorated her in rich jewels. Reena stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was all dolled up, like a true bride should be. 

"Could you guys leave me alone for a few minutes" she asked politely and they all chuckled before leaving. 

It was only when they left that she realised what she was doing. She let the tears fall, not even caring if they ruin her makeup. At this point she didn't care if Rocky showed up or not. All she knew was that she couldn't marry Ashwin. She wouldn't allow herself to ruin this poor mans life just because of her selfish feelings. 

"It was now or never" she said to herself. 

She made her way to Ashwin's room despite the rule that the bride and groom shouldn't see each other before the wedding. She knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

 "Who is it?" he asked from the other side of the door.

"It's me Reena. Let me in" she replied. 

"Reena, what are you doing here? Don't you know we cant see each other before the wedding. What's wrong?" he asked concerned. 

"I know but i really need to talk to you. Its urgent. Could you please let me in" she begged on the verge of tears. 

A few seconds passed and he opened the door. He looked at her concerningly when he noticed her wet eyes. 

"Reena what's wrong? Why are you crying?" he asked dragging her into his room. 

"I need to talk to you" she replied her voice cracking. 

"Okay but stop crying first" he said wiping her tears. 

"I'm really, really sorry Ashwin" she said. 

"Why, i don't understand what's going on Reena" 

"I cant get married to you" she whispered and his eyes hardened. 

"What do you mean Reena. Are you being serious? What is happening? " he asked confused.

"I love someone else" her voice breaking with every syllable. 

He took a step back, resting his back against the wall. Reena refused to meet his eyes. 

"What" he muttered, his voice barely audible. 

"I'm so sorry but i would hate living a false life and stripping you of the love you deserve" she whimpered. 

"How long has this been going on" he asked, his voice softening. 

"Long before i met you. I thought i could forget about him but i cant. I understand it was wrong to accept your proposal if i didn't love you but i thought i could move on. But the truth is no matter how many lifetimes go by, he would be the only one i love" 

He wiped a stray tear from his face and walked up to Reena. 

"Its okay Reena. I cant tell you what to do with your life. If you want to be with someone else i wont stop you. But thanks for at least giving me a chance. I wish you all the best" he sniffled and Reena smiled. 

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