Chapter 12

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A few days passed and thing were changing between Rocky and Reena. They weren't back to normal but it was better. They made it a habit to have breakfast together every morning, Rocky would check in on Reena when he was free and she would sometimes wait for him after work to have dinner together. She felt her love overtaking the feeling of anger and betrayal that was once so prominent in her heart. 

They were gathered at the dinning table eating breakfast and Rocky was busy discussing something with one of the guards. Suddenly a thought struck Reena and she was about to ask Rocky but restrained herself as he was in the middle of conversing with someone. Rocky who noticed her change in expression shooed the guard away and gently grabbed her hand that was resting on the table. 

"What is bothering you Chinna. You know whatever it is you can talk to me" he gently said. 

She looked at him building up the courage to speak. 

"Rocky, I want to go see my dad" she said. 

Rocky's body visibly tensed up at the mention of Desai but he held his composure for her. Reena noticed his change in demeanour and quickly said 

"He is probably really worried about me and I need him to know that I'm okay and he needs to know about us".

 Rocky smirked and teased 

"What does he need to know about us?"

 Reena felt her heats cheek up and quickly looked away from his gaze. 

"He needs to know that you know.." she trailed off. 

"You know what?" he teased. 

She hid her face in her palms. 

"Forget it" she mumbled and Rocky lightly chuckled. 

"Sweetheart I understand you need to talk to him but I cant let you leave from here, its too dangerous. But if your really desperate to see him, then I'm having a meeting in a few days and he will be here. I will let you speak to him there" he said. 

Reena sighed. 

"Okay but I'm really bored in here all day, there are only so many books that one can read" she complained. 

"How are you bored when you have me Chinna" Rocky joked. 

She lightly slapped him in the chest. Suddenly another thought struck Reena. 

"Hey can I at least see Vaishnavi. I haven't seen her since I've left and god knows how worried she may be" she said. 

Its true. She hadn't seen Vaishu since the dinner and she has so much to fill her in on. Rocky thought for a second before remembering that Vaishu was Reena's best friend. 

"Okay ill send my guards to bring her here" Rocky said. 

Reena flashed a huge smile and lunged out hugging Rocky. He was taken back a bit as this was the first that they ever hugged. He quickly reciprocated  wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in closer. 

"Thank you Rocky, thank you soo much" she muffled, nuzzling closer to his neck. 

The house staff and guards were all smiling under their noses seeing the new change in their Sultan. Rocky shooed everyone out the room and when Reena finally came out of his embrace they were left alone in the massive dinning hall. She finally realised what she did and her face was flushed. Rocky smirked enjoying seeing this new side of Reena who had now ran off to her room in embarrassment. 

Rocky called the guards and sent them to get Vaishnavi and bring her here. A few hours passed and Reena was patiently waiting for the arrival of her friend. The sound of a jeep rolled into the drive way and Reena ran downstairs. 

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