Chapter 18

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Rocky was working like a maniac the last few days trying to figure out the culprit behind this mess. He was finding leads just for them to be dead ends. On the other hand, Reena was slowly recovering but her wound would still take at least a few months to fully heal. 

She was standing in front of the mirror in her room. She stared at her arm in the mirror, cringing at the sight of the charred skin and raw flesh that peaked through the ointment. She felt disgusting and ugly, this scar on her arm sticking to her forever like a curse. 

'Who could love a girl who looks like this' she thought.

Her fingers slightly brushed over the still fresh scar, jolting a burning sensation through her body. Reena let out a heavy sigh before grabbing the bandage and attempting to wrap her arm but ultimately failing. She could call Vaishu but she was on a work trip and would only be back tomorrow so it was up to her. Frustrated, she threw the bandage on the floor before running her other hand though her hair. 

Just then Rocky walked in to her room looking equally as stressed as she was but it all faded once he laid his eyes on her. She flinched at his sudden entrance and tried to hide her arm behind her back, embarrassed of what Rocky might say. Rocky who noticed her sudden movement walked up to her cupping her face. 

"What happened, why do you look so tense love" he asked rubbing small circles on her cheek with his thumb. 

"Nothing its just, you know what never mind its stupid" she says before turning away. 

He grabs her face again, this time slightly harsher but not enough to hurt her. 

"No i don't take answers like this, if i ask what's wrong you answer me alright. Now let me ask again, Chinna what happened?" he said. 

She walked towards her bed, him following close behind. 

"I just need to dress my wound" she mutters before grabbing the bandage from the floor whilst still hiding her hand. 

"I could do it for you, I've dressed plenty of wounds before" he said. 

She hesitated before saying "I would rather wait for Vaishnavi to do it" 

"Why would you wait Chinna and risk getting it infected, ill just dress it, it will be fine or ill call in a doctor" he said and went to grab her hand before she jerked back sinking into the bed. 

"Reena what's actually wrong and don't give me a bullshit answer this time" he said sensing the change in Reena's mood. 

"I just...its that i just don't want you know, umm i don't want you to see my arm I'm embarrassed" she whispered and his jaw tensed for a second before it relaxed again. 

He grabbed her hand from behind her back and placed it on his lap. He looked up at Reena who just stared at her feet. 

"This, this is what your embarrassed off. This wound?" he asked and she stayed silent. 

He sighed before taking the bandage from her hands and slowly dressing her wound. Reena didn't resist this time and just let him do what he had to. He handled her with utmost care and love as if she was made of glass. Every time she would flinch he would slightly panic and ask if she was okay or if he was hurting her to which she had to convince him she was fine. When he was finally done he kissed her bandage. 

"This wound, this scar, to me this makes you more beautiful. It shows the world how strong and fearless you are. It shows me how courageous you are. This is nothing to be ashamed off" he said before kissing her forehead. 

She felt butterflies erupting in her stomach. His words cut deep into her heart. 

It's true Reena this scar is nothing to be ashamed off, cause even if the rest of the world finds you ugly, he will still see you as the most beautiful girl in the whole world. 

"Oh yes i came to tell you that i have a business trip to Dubai in a few days and i want you to come with me" he said. 

"Dubai? why do you need to go to Dubai" she asked confused. 

"One of my partners is behaving very sketchy so i have to go give him a warning. Its not safe for you to be here without me especially after what happened." 

"Who else is going?" she asked. 

"Just me and you, the rest will stay here and take care of things in KGF whilst I'm gone" Rocky said before leaving. 

She was nervous. The idea of travelling alone with a boy sent sparks up her body. She had read about things like this in books but never expected this to be the reality of her life. 

Back in Bangalore

Kamal ran his hands through his hair screaming in frustration. 

"Shit our plan backfired he escaped" he shouted before throwing his wine glass at the wall. 

A man sat opposite him, cigar in his mouth patiently observing the scene in front of him. This man was Adheera, brother of Suryavardhan. He was working with Kamal in order to get the throne. Once he heard that Garuda died, he thought it was finally his turn to get KGF but that was until Rocky came along. 

"Listen i don't care what happens, all i need is KGF and for that Rocky needs to be gone. Now I'm gonna do things my way" Adheera said before blowing the smoke out his cigar. 

"No you don't understand, Reena got hit instead. Why, WHY DID SHE DEFEND HIM, SHE IS MY FIANCE AND SHE IS PROTECTING HIM" he screamed.  

Adheera just remained silent watching him. 

"No this time i will make him suffer, he has to know that Reena is mine and only mine" Kamal said before storming out. 

hey guys, i know its a shorter chapter but this is kinda like a filler before the story takes a real u turn. anyways i hope you guys like and comment. till next time.....

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