Chapter One: Unknown

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"I've always wondered one thing," Niall said to Louis as they lay slouched on the couch in their shared flat. The place was kind of small, but very cozy. It was simply home, and Louis loved it. "Did you realize you were gay because you did it up the arse with a girl and realized you liked that much better than the other way?"

"Niall, I will hit you in the head with your grandmother's urn."

"I'm serious. I've known you're gay since always, but I've always wondered."

"Fine. No."

"Oh." Louis rolled his eyes at his blond friend's disappointment. They'd been best friends since they'd met at university two years prior, when they had both moved to London. Niall was from Ireland and had moved in for the city just liked Louis, but as they had both promised their parents to take classes at Uni they had met, and they'd hit it off immediately. Niall was perfect for Louis. He was just as wild and loud, but he knew when it was time to retain some of the madness and was good at taking care of Louis. Louis did the same for Niall. They were completely mad together, and spent way too much time partying and way little time studying.

"But how did it happen?"

"I realized that I was more attracted to the man in the porn film than the woman." It had been as simple as that and Louis hadn't spent too much time worrying about it. He didn't care what other people thought anymore and he didn't really think too much of labels. At first it had just been that he occasionally liked to fuck boys and then it turned into occasionally fucking girls instead and lately it was only guys.
Niall shrugged and his eyes shifted towards the telly again. It was small, but all they could afford. Louis worked at a coffee shop after classes and Niall did what he could at the electronic shop just a street away from their flat.

"Just so you know, Shauna is meeting us at the club tonight." Niall said, knowing that the protests were coming.

"No, Niall. No."

"But I'm getting laid if I bring her."

"Niall. You already get laid. What is our motto?" Louis' eyes narrowed. "Niall?"

"Fuck before feelings."

"Yes. Good. You've fucked already. If you keep doing it the feelings will come."

"Not yet, though. Just tonight, Louis?" he begged, those pleading puppy eyes looking up at him. Louis hated those eyes just because of the fact that he loved them. He always did this.

"Tonight was supposed to be our night, just like last time, but hey if you'd rather spend time with that skinny brunette, then by all means go ahead."

"Yay," Niall smiled and turned to the tv again. Louis picked up his phone, feeling it vibrate. It was Twitter, his favorite site. He tweeted every day, enjoying the responses he got from his quirky followers. He mostly wrote about the stupid things he and Niall got up to, and he was still sort of surprised at how many followers he had. He'd reached around seven thousand just last month. He was staying anonymous though, he didn't want people from work or his university to read what he wrote. That could probably be due to the fact that they'd hate him. But people loved reading his stuff and Niall was very proud when people started asking about who @TheTommo 's friend N was, who had actually gotten rather famous on his twitter.
He typed out a tweet.

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
"Going out tonight and tragically N is bringing Shauna. Sigh. Enough is enough."

After a few moments Niall glared at him, phone in hand. "Stop tweeting about me. I'll expose you."

"Please, you love it when I tweet about you."


The club was smacked. Even considering it was a Friday this sort of commotion was unusual. But it didn't matter because Louis was here to smash it. He wore tight chinos and a snug shirt that fit his body perfectly. His hair was carefully done into his usual fringe and his signature Tom's were on his feet. He was ready.
Niall and Louis made their way through the crowd, direction of the bar. Clinking their shots together they swallowed the burning alcohol, making faces but then smiling knowingly towards each other. Tonight was going to be good.

You You You | ORGINALLY WRITTEN BY ISTHATYOULARRY ON AO3Where stories live. Discover now