Chapter Seven: Game On

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"I'm nervous, Ni." Louis announced. And he was. He was really, really nervous. What if they didn't like him? He had already been very rude to one of them and even though Harry had assured him everything would be fine and that Liam didn't hate him, he was practically shaking with nerves. Niall wasn't better.

"It's going to be fine, Lou. It's going to be aaaallll good," he said, hands curled into strained fists and he couldn't stand still.

"You're just as nervous as I am!"

"Of course I'm nervous!" Niall exclaimed. "We're about to meet the most famous and richest blokes of our time! One Direction, Lou! How can I not be freaked out?!" Honestly Louis should have expected this. Niall had taken a while to calm down around Harry too. Damn it, he needed the blonde to calm him. Shit.

It was Wednesday, four days since Louis' awkward date with Darren and Louis and Niall were stood outside a huge arena, surrounded by thousands of girls in One Directions t-shirts, screaming and panicking. Louis felt like he was one of them.

"Okay. Okay, okay, okay." Niall seemed to gather himself up and took a deep breath. "Okay, are you going to call him?"

"I'm not ready. Can we just stay here?"



"No. Now call Harry." Niall gave him a stern face and he complied nervously. He tapped the number that now had made it to his favorites list on his phone. He talked to Harry several times a day and texted throughout most of the time they were apart. He hadn't seen him until Monday after the last Friday and Harry had stayed the night until Tuesday. They hadn't had sex because they'd agreed to take it slow, but Louis had found it extremely hard to keep his hands off that milky skin.

Harry picked up after two signals. "Hey babe, are you here yet?"

"Yeah, we're outside."

"Okay, good. Go to the entrance and stand beside the line and I'll send someone for you."

"Right," Louis nodded. Harry had told him about this before. Harry had also had to get approval and talk to his management and security before Louis and Niall had been allowed to come backstage and Harry had made sure from Louis' wishes to give them secret names so that no one could find out who they really were.

"See you soon, love." Harry hung up and left Louis a bit calmer. He nodded to Niall to follow him and they made their way towards the entrance. The line was very long and he Niall got several confused and irritated glares as the strolled (trying to look cool) smoothly past the line. Then it was awkward. They stood there kind of uncomfortable while people in the line stared at them.

"Blokes! Line's back there!" a girl, looking like she was sixteen said.

"No need for the line. Just gonna' wait here." Louis told her and Niall smirked. Suddenly he felt kind of smug. All these people came to see Harry and the other boys on a stage and here was Louis and Niall who had spent three breakfasts and hung out with Harry quite a lot. He felt the need to brag. He only had to meet Niall's eye to see that he was thinking the exact same thing.

"So, T. Gonna' be fun seeing old Harold again." Niall said, loud enough for people to hear but low enough not to sound like he was trying to get them to listen.

"Yeah, it's been a while."

"Yeah, the days just roll by. It feels like last morning was yesterday." Niall said and Louis snickered lowly.

"Yeah. Nice to see the boys too. Harry's very fond of them."

"Yeah, he always talks about them so kindly. So what are we doing after the show then?"

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