Chapter Ten: Bad Damage Control

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"Loooouuiiissss," said an outstretched whisper in his ear. He groaned, not wanting to wake up. He felt familiar lips against his neck. "Louuu," Harry whispered.

He slowly rolled over, squinting at the figure that was standing over him. Immediately a smile spread on his face. Harry's hair was everywhere. He was bare-chested, only wearing a pair of sweatpants that he usually kept in Louis' drawer and he was smiling like an idiot.

"Boyfriend!" Louis exclaimed, sounding sleepy and happy.

"Boyfriend," Harry greeted him happily and climbed into Louis' outstretched arms. He buried his face in Louis' neck and sighed contentedly. "I made you breakfast."

"Yaaaay," he cheered, voice thick with sleep.

"You're cute when you're tired," Harry smiled sweetly.

"You're very cute when you've made me breakfast," Louis grinned back. Harry freed himself from Louis' arms and pulled out some clothes for him from the drawer. He through them at him and Louis frowned.

"Can't we stay naked all day?"

"Nope, Niall is still at home."

"Damn it," he sighed and crawled out of bed. He noticed Harry's eyes on him. "Stop staring at me."

"You're hot naked," Harry smiled innocently.

"Get your eyes off my dick and go make the table or something." Harry grinned but left. Louis couldn't get the smile off his face. Harry was his boyfriend. Boyfriend. Wow, he had a feeling this was going to go to hell. He shrugged and pulled on the clothes. He stepped out of the room and the smell of bacon and pancakes filled the air. Harry was perfect.

"Where's Niall?" he asked, frowning at the untouched food on the table.

"In his room," Harry answered. "I told him there was breakfast but he won't come out." Louis stared back at him. That had happened only one time before and that had been when he had thought Niall had gotten cancer.

"NIALL!" he yelled running to his room. Shock flashed over him. The door was locked. "Niall are you okay?! Are you dying?!"

"No, m'fine." His voice sounded muffled and tired. "Go away."

"Niall are you sure you're alright? You've never skipped a meal before," Louis asked worriedly.

"I said I'm fine!" he yelled. Woah.

"Well, if you say so," Louis muttered. He turned around to the sight of a shirtless Harry waiting on one of the barstools. He immediately forgot all about Niall and skipped over there and hopped up on a stool across from him.

"What's wrong with him?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. But he'll tell me later." Louis was sure. If there was a problem, Niall would speak up. Harry nodded and began pouring up juice and putting food on his plate. Louis studied him admiringly and smiled to himself. Sigh. He was so pretty. When Harry reached over for syrup and his bicep slightly flexed in the movement, Louis had had enough. That was it.

He ran to his room and got his phone, leaving Harry with a confused frown, but he shrugged, having kind of gotten used to Louis' abruptness now. Louis came back with his phone in hand and started typing on Twitter.

"What are you doing?"

"You'll have to wait and see like everybody else, Harry. Just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean you get privileges."

"I don't know what you're talking about but I'm pretty sure it does," he smirked. He put some pancakes on Louis' plate and poured him up some tea while he typed.

You You You | ORGINALLY WRITTEN BY ISTHATYOULARRY ON AO3Where stories live. Discover now